But Dexia is small fries compared to the big European banks like Germany's Deutsche Bank ( DB) and France's Societe Generale. 但相比德意志银行(DeutscheBank)和法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale),德克夏银行就不值一提了。
Nomura Holdings has pretty much scuttled its most recent Wall Street experiment ( it bought Lehman Brothers Holding Inc.s European and Asian banking operations) and firms such as Societe Generale Credit Suisse Group and Royal Bank of Scotland Group are all cutting Wall Street bodies. 野村控股已经放弃其大多数华尔街业务(该公司曾经买下雷曼兄弟在欧洲和亚洲的银行业务)。兴业银行,瑞士信贷集团和苏格兰皇家银行等公司也纷纷削减了在华尔街的业务。
Societe Generale's locations meanwhile include Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa and most of West Africa. 法国兴业银行的足迹则遍布突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、赤道几内亚、南非和西非大部。
Both Barclays and Societe General have a wide range of African operations, but their footprints partially mirror former colonial dominions& the French in the north and west, the British in the south and east. 巴克莱和法国兴业银行都在非洲拥有广泛的业务,但它们的足迹也在一定程度上反映了英法在非洲的殖民格局,即法国偏重非洲北部和西部,英国偏重南部和东部。
Drawing on a poll of investors across Asia, Societe Generale outlined several triggers in China it believes could set off a loss of confidence. 法国兴业银行根据对亚洲各地投资者进行的调查,列出了其认为在中国会引发市场信心丧失的几大因素。
Societe Generale declined to discuss its training policies, but it would be surprising if banks thought less, rather than more, education and training was the answer to their recent travails. 兴业银行拒绝讨论其培训政策,但如果各银行认为,减少(而非加强)教育和培训是针对近期危机的答案,那就怪了。
Ho as a high-tech industries, people-oriented, science and technology, the guiding ideology of Societe Generale, and achieved good economic and social benefits. 金浩作为高新技术产业,坚持以人为本,科技兴业的指导思想,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。
Welcome home and abroad to discuss business, complementary advantages and common Societe Generale and prosperity. 真诚欢迎海内外客商前来洽谈业务,优势互补,共同兴业、繁荣。
Benoit Anne, head of emerging markets strategy at Societe Generale, said the decision was good news in the long run because a calmer Chinese economy was good for sustainable global growth. 兴业银行的领导BenoitAnne指出,该举措在长期看来是好消息,因为中国经济的稳定发展是世界经济不断持续发展的源泉。
Hopes for a very large cut had been tempered late last week by news that French bank Societe Generale sold European index futures to close positions taken by an alleged rogue trader. 到上周为止,由于一个法国银行的已证实的恶意交易员将欧洲指数的未来卖到了关闭的地步,市场已经被大幅度降息的氛围笼罩。
Companies adhere to the "honest business and honest Societe Generale" business purpose, after years of arduous pioneering, a leading company in Shenzhen scale. 公司坚持“诚实经营、诚实兴业”的经营宗旨,经过几年的艰苦创业,公司规模在深圳首屈一指。
Last week, France's second largest bank, Societe Generale, announced that a single, middle-level trader had caused the bank to lose over seven billion dollars. 上周,法国第二大银行(兴业银行)宣布,一个中层交易员造成该银行损失超过70亿美元。
After Barings Bank falling, noncompliance case of Societe Generale attracts significant concern on compliance risk management of financial organizations again. 继巴林银行破产案后,法国兴业银行巨额金融违规案使得世界金融市场的焦点重新聚集在银行合规风险管理问题上。
Wobbly banks loomed large too, mainly thanks to an announcement from Societe Generale on the Wednesday of the 2008 meeting that a rogue trader had cost it a lot of money. 摇摇晃晃的银行也很惹眼,主要是因为法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)在2008年年会的周三宣布,一名流氓交易员害该行损失了一大笔资金。
At Soci é t é G é n é rale SA, bankers said they have been raising deposits from long-time corporate clients in the region, particularly energy and other resources firms. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGeneraleSA)的银行家说,他们一直在从亚洲长期企业客户,特别是能源和其它资源类公司那里募集存款。
Robert Reilly, co-head of flow fixed income and currencies for Asia at Soci é t é G é n é rale, calls it a high-risk assumption. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)固定收益和外汇业务亚洲区联席负责人将人民币的升值称为一种高风险假设。
With the cases of Societe Generate, Barings, Allied Irish Bank and Australian National Bank, this paper scrutinizes the main causes of their failures. 本文以法国兴业银行为主线,兼论巴林银行、澳大利亚国民银行和爱尔兰联合银行巴尔迪摩分行衍生品交易亏损发生的主要原因。
A property slump and slowing export growth are among the biggest risks to China's growth, according to economists at UBS AG, Nomura Holdings Inc. ( 8604) and Societe Generale SA. 根据瑞士联合银行和法国兴业银行的经济学家的说法,房地产的不景气和出口增长放缓是中国经济增长的最大风险。
Some experts believe efforts by Societe Generale to close out Mister Kerviel's financial positions played a part in driving down European stock prices early last week. 一些专家相信,兴业银行清算科维尔先生财务状况的工作在推动上周早期欧洲股票价格下跌中起着作用。
Vivendi may have to sell assets, says france's Societe generale. 法兴业银行说维芳迪集团可能必须出售资产。
Societe Generale Asia Limited 法国兴业亚洲有限公司
Shares in Societe Generale and Credit Agricole fell after the referendum announcement by16 and12 per cent respectively-both banks are among the most exposed to Greek debt. 法国兴业银行和农业信贷银行的股票在宣布全民公投之后分别下跌了16%和12%&这两家银行是最容易受希腊债务影响的银行。
Advocated "people-oriented, the strengths of Societe Generale, sincere cooperation, create a win-win" corporate culture, do our best to create a good environment for each employee. 倡导“以人为本、固本兴业、精诚合作、共创双赢”的企业文化,尽力为每位员工创造良好的环境。
In this study, there are some main contribution points as follows: 1. Take France Societe Generale incident as a start point, discuss the risk brought by non-normal speculation. 文章主要贡献点有如下:1.以法国兴业银行事件作为切入点,论述了利用股指期货非正常投机所带来的巨大风险。
The independent legal personality as a system arrangements, can effectively prevent and reduce the investment risks of further shareholder investment promotion Societe Generale, social and economic prosperity. 法人人格独立作为一种制度安排,能有效地防范和减少股东的投资风险进而促进投资兴业,繁荣社会经济。
And hope this achievement of societe generale can provide some reference for credit risk management. 希望此研究能对兴业银行在企业文化建设管理方面提供一些参考。
Secondly, this article refers to Societe Generale Bank fraud as its case. 其次,本文引用法国兴业银行欺诈案作为本文的案例。