In this sociocultural orientation to the world, thinking about fine points of philosophy, art or anthropology is often seen as a waste of time. 在这种世界观的社会文化定位之下,思考哲学、艺术或人类学,以得出正确观点总被视为浪费时间。
All personnel receive periodic training regarding their role in the management of environmental, sociocultural, health, and safety practices. 所有职员皆接受有关环境、社会文化、健康及安全等方面的教育训练,以了解其经营管理之角色与任务。
The Sociocultural Changes of Beijing Hutong and the Development of Tourism 北京胡同的社会文化变迁与旅游开发
In my experience, moreover, sociocultural factors affect schooling in a variety of areas, including culture, gender identities, power roles, class markers and social markers. 以我的体会而言,社会与文化的因素推动着学校教育涉及了多个领域,朝着多元化发展;包括文明,性别身份,权力角色,班级标兵和社会标兵。
To cultivate non-English majors s sociocultural competence has long been neglected by researchers in this field. 对非英语专业学生社会文化能力的培养一直被这一领域的研究者所忽略。
Only jagged cards and sound interrupting my mind, only the helpless, the sociocultural society, to be able to accept everything. 只是高高低低的打牌和吆喝声会打断我的思绪,只有无奈,社会的大熔炉,要能够接受一切。
The commonness is from the similar cognitive ability and the sharing of the same "time as space" metaphor, and the differences result from the different sociocultural background. 两种语言在时间隐喻化表达上的共性来源于人类相似的认知能力,并共享一个“时间作为空间”的隐喻,而差异性则是来源于不同的社会文化背景。
Measuring the Social Network Capital in the Chinese Sociocultural Context 中国社会文化背景下社会网络资本的测量
The current qualitative research, based on sociocultural theory, explores the impact of co-teaching between local and native English teachers on teachers'professional development. 本文基于社会文化理论,采用定性研究的方法,探讨了中外教师合作教学对教师专业发展的影响。
An integrated model combining sociocultural context and psychological training was thought as future research direction. 最后提出未来研究方向应为开创一个契合本社会&文化脉络的运动员心理建设系统。
A Sociocultural Theory Based Study on the Interaction and Vocabulary Acquisition Effect of Second Language Learners 基于社会文化理论的互动与第二语言学习者词汇习得效应的研究
The first chapter directly describes the natural and sociocultural fostering space of Yi flower-drum dance. 第一章直接介入彝族花鼓舞的自然人文生境。
Since man's biological equipment is unspecialized and unspecific, human beings inhabit a sociocultural environment which they have to construct. 既然人的生物性器官没有特定化、专门化,人类就居住在一个他们必须构建的社会文化环境中。
While HIV interventions are expanding in some settings, population groups at high risk of HIV infection continue to face technical, legal and sociocultural barriers in accessing health care services. 虽然某些情况下的艾滋病毒干预措施正在不断得以拓展,但艾滋病毒感染高危人群在获得卫生保健服务方面仍面临着技术、法律和社会文化障碍。
The act of translating takes place in the sociocultural context. Consequently, it is important to judge translating activity only within a social context. 翻译行为发生在一定的社会文化背景中,因此只有联系社会背景才能评判翻译的好坏,这一点很重要。
Likewise, papers drawing on sociological and sociocultural theories also increased in all three publications together with more papers utilizing linguistics, social linguistics, and semiotics. 同样的,关于社会学和社会文化学理论的论文,以及更多的利用了语言学、社会语言学和符号学理论的论文,在三种出版物。
Linguistic context, situational context and sociocultural context have significant restrictive effects upon speech and its comprehension. 语言语境、情景语境、社会文化语境对语言表达和理解具有重要的制约作用。
In developing countries, sociocultural beliefs and practices strongly influence the health-seeking behaviours of people affected by BU. 在发展中国家,社会文化信仰和习俗有力地影响布鲁里溃疡患者的寻求卫生保健行为。
Moreover, the sociocultural situation and even the physical surroundings can influence the meanings constructed by both parties. 而且,社会文化环境,甚至是周围的物理环境也可能会对双方的意义建构产生影响。
As a sociocultural phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society and culture. 礼貌现象存在于各个社会,各种文化中。
The study of language in relation to its sociocultural context. 对语言与社会文化的关系的研究。
This female inter-subjectivity ironically nourishes the continuity of a patriarchal sociocultural system. 这种主体之间的互动,又如何为延续父权的社会文化制度提供有利条件。
Nevertheless, due to sociocultural changes, sandy-field cropping systems have been facing severe obstacles against expanding and mutual sharing. 但由于社会文化背景的变迁,砂田农耕体制面临严重的推广和共享难题。
Such an atavism is the consequence of the principles of economy in human thinking and sociocultural psychology as well as the internal selective mechanism of human language. 这种返祖现象的语言学成因,除语言内部选择机制的作用外,还有思维经济原则和社会文化心理的作用。
The fifth part discusses the Lou family, together with other Siming literati lineages ', influence and intention in carrying out sociocultural movements. 第五节讨论楼氏与四明士族一起推动的社会文化活动,对地方上产生的影响及其意义。
Many geographers in Mainland China paid attention to small space units in the studies of sociocultural geography. 区域分析是地理学的研究范式之一,目前大陆社会文化地理学界出现了一个小区域研究热。
Confrontation and competition between different cultures have made great changes on sociocultural environment. 各种文化相互激荡,不断竞争,促使社会文化环境发生剧烈变化。
The health of women and girls is of particular concern because, in many societies, they are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors. 特别令人关切的是妇女和女童的健康问题,这是因为在许多社会中,社会文化方面存在的根深蒂固的歧视现象,使她们处于不利的地位。