These include the macroeconomic imbalances, world economic recession, a financial or banking crisis, and rising inequality or other sources of sociopolitical instability. 这些问题包括宏观经济失调,世界经济衰退,金融或银行危机,以及持续显著的不平等现象或其它社会政治不稳定因素。
Male circumcision has been performed as far back as ancient Egypt, and the practice has continued through the ensuing centuries for religious, cultural and sociopolitical reasons. 雄性包皮环割可以追溯到古埃及时代,由于宗教,文化和社会政治的原因在后来的几世纪一直在继续进行。
Consider its sociopolitical value: It frees society from the ill feelings arising out of class hatred. 考虑到它的社会政治价值,它能让社会免于阶级憎恨的病态。
Effectively controlling the spread of Bird Flu is of large strategic meaning to the sociopolitical stability and economic evolution of China. 有效控制禽流感蔓延对于中国社会政治稳定和经济发展具有极其重要的战略意义。
A sociopolitical policy, especially in the United States in the19th century, favoring the interests of indigenous inhabitants over those of immigrants. 本土主义一项社会与政治的政策,尤指19世纪在美国,保护本地居民的利益不受移民的侵犯。
The sociopolitical state of northwest China is an important social resource of the National Government of Nanjing that pursued the restoration of the authority of the Central Government. 西北边疆的社会政治生态是追求中央权威重构的南京国民政府的重要社会资源。
A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles. 嬉皮士反对并且拒绝社会传统的标准与习俗的人,特指提倡极端自由主义的社会政治态度和生活方式的人。
After the Second World War, media policy was dominated by sociopolitical rather than economic or national strategic concerns. 二战结束后,媒介政策主要基于社会和政治因素的考虑,而不太关注经济或国家战略因素。
It is not only geographical, but also sociopolitical, boundaries, that set limits to the degree of intercommunication among people living in the same community. 生活在同一个社会团体之间的人们不仅仅有地理上的界限,而且有社会政治等方面的界限,限制着人们相互交往的程度。
I write mainly on the advertising and marketing business as well as sociopolitical commentaries. 我写主要是广告和营销业务以及社会和政治评论。
The article believes that the value of her works during this period lies mainly in the fact that she placed her analysis of sex difference in a sociopolitical framework for an in-depth investigation into the environments for existence of the female sex. 文章认为,丁玲这一时期作品的价值,主要表现在作者将性别分析置于社会政治思考的框架之中,进而对女性的生存境况作了一次深人的体察。
Wares bearing these marks are important for studying the sociopolitical and economic history of the Tang. “翰林”、“盈”字款白瓷是研究唐代邢窑生产性质及唐代社会政治、经济的重要实物资料。
Network technology provides technological means for readjustment of sociopolitical structure and improvement of its functions. 它为社会政治结构的调整和功能改善提供了技术手段,使政府组织结构从垂直化走向扁平化,并有助于政府管理的法治化。
After Qing and Han dynasty, filial duty surpassed the scope of family ethic and become the transfixions and control consciousness during the traditional Chinese sociopolitical and cultural life. Just about this sense, many scholars regard the Chinese culture as a filial piety culture, too. 至秦汉后,孝德已超越出家庭伦理的范围,成为传统中国社会政治、文化生活中贯通性、统领性的意识,正是从这个意义上,许多学者称中国文化也是一种孝文化。
The researcher suggests that the most effective way to study the sociopolitical risk of business is to approach it as a managerial problem. 本文作者认为,研究企业政治风险的最好方法是将其看作管理问题。
The level of diathesis of prince has a direct relation with the Country's development and sociopolitical stabilization for that he is the successor of kingship and can decide the Country's policy in the future. 太子是王位的继承者,是未来政策的决定者,太子素质高低直接关系国家的兴旺发达和社会政治的稳定。
Boasting an old and well-known family background, Hou received orthodox Confucian education and was later influenced by the sociopolitical cliquism in late Ming Dynasty. 他出身世家,曾受过正统的儒家思想教育,也受到明末党社之风的影响,这使得他在明亡之前选择的是一条积极用世的人生道路;
In Ancient China, with its authoritative discourse and overwhelming power, the ban and destruction of numerous works usually brought about sociopolitical and cultural disturbance and disaster. 在中国古代历史上,禁毁作为一种文化现象,往往借助官方的权力话语形成强势破坏力,带来社会政治与文化生活的振荡与浩劫。
The modernization process of western developed countries and junior developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America shows that the modernization of a country is always going with the growth of bourgeois and the expansion of middle class is a important guarantee of sociopolitical stabilization in a country. 西方发达国家和亚非拉后发展中国家的现代化进程表明,国家实现现代化的过程往往是伴随中产阶层崛起的过程,中产阶层的不断扩大是国家维护社会政治稳定的重要保障。
The first level is his confucian moral principles and sociopolitical ideology which held a dominant position in his ideas. 其思想可分为两个层面:一是在他思想中占据主导地位的儒家伦理道德思想和社会政治思想;
Meanwhile, it changes the public attitudes and modes of participating in sociopolitical life, creates new information channels for the public to participate in political life, and also enables individuals to participate in government and political affairs. 同时,网络技术影响民众参与社会政治生活的观念和方式,为民众参与政治生活提供了新的信息通道,并使个人作为参政主体的地位得到提升。
The writer, upon the study of the specific course of the modern verses, depicts the whole process of the sociopolitical model from its rise, development and domination up to its decline. 作者以新诗大众化、民族化的具体历程对社会政治学模式自兴起、发展到占统治地位以至衰亡的全过程作了勾画;
Central idea of this study is to build up a foundation to formulate new growth theory in future which incorporates sociopolitical stability ( peace) as a key determinant of economic growth. 受此启发,本文把社会政治稳定(和平)作为决定经济增长的一个关键因素,试图为将来形成一个新的增长理论建立一个基础。
Many the domestic criticisms are from the points of view of the employment of comic and satiric writing style, the sociopolitical background and cultural conflict in Lucky Jim. 国内大多数的研究都从幽默和讽刺的写作手法这一角度出发,或是研究社会政治背景和文化冲突在《幸运的吉姆》中的表现。