One of the reasons there has been much less controversy over the revisionist doctrine of sola Scriptura is that this doctrine has been gradually supplanting the Reformation doctrine for centuries. 其中一个原因是因为这个修正过的教义在几个世纪以来,已经取代了宗教改革的教义。
SOLA: Your best chance for escape will be in the next two days. 她说,你们最好的逃跑机会是在接下来的两天里。
SOLA: A race of red men who travel our world in flying machines. 苏拉说:一个乘坐飞行器路过我们世界的红色种族。
Sola has told me that all captives are held until they can die in the great games held by the green Martians. 苏拉已经告诉我所有的俘虏都会活着直到在绿色火星人举行的游戏程序中他们才能死。
Sola, of course you must come with us! 苏拉,你当然必须和我们一起走!
SOLA: John Carter, that woman will be saved for the great games that are held by our people. 索拉说:约翰。卡特,那个女人会安全的,因为我们的人民将举行一个重要的游戏程序。
Sola then left to prepare food. 苏拉离开去准备食物。
A short time later, John Carter, the Princess and their friend, the green Martian woman Sola, attempt to escape rather than face death. 一小时以后,约翰。卡特,公主和他们的朋友绿色火星女人苏拉面对即将到来的死亡选择尝试着逃跑。当约翰。
So we maintain, with what we hope is appropriate humility, the principle of sola Scriptura. 故此我们希望以适当的谦卑来保持唯独圣经(solaScriptura)的原则。
Sola, do you not like the games? 苏拉,你不喜欢这些游戏程序吗?
The Reformation debate over sola Scriptura did not occur in a vacuum. 改教时期对唯独圣经的争辩并不是发生在真空中的。
Sola said she was a kind woman, not like others of your tribe. 苏拉说她是一个善良的女人,和你们部落的其他人不一样。
Her mother hid Sola among other children before she was captured. 苏拉的妈妈在被捕前把苏拉藏在了其他孩子中。
In order to understand the Reformation doctrine of sola Scriptura we must understand the historical context more accurately. 为了明白宗教改革时期唯独圣经的观念,我们必须更准确地明白当时的历史背景。
When the medieval context is kept in view, the Reformation debate over sola Scriptura becomes much clearer. 如果我们记住这个中世纪的背景,宗教改革时期关于唯独圣经的争辩就会变得更加清晰。
According to her fans, Aoi Sola's birthday is also Nov.11. 据苍井空粉丝介绍,苍井空生日与光棍节同为11月11日。
JOHN CARTER: Several days later, Sola came to me with a look of great concern. 约翰。卡特:几天后,苏拉眼神中充满焦虑的向我走来。
As I watched her disappear into a building, I realized that Sola was near me. 我看着她在一个高楼里消失了。我知道索拉在我边上。
The space-time features and forecast in g of distribution of the precipitation in Shandong pen in sola in summer 山东夏季降水分布的时空特征及预报
Based on SOLA VOF, an improved algorithm is presented. 以SOLA-VOF法为基础提出了改进算法。
Prelimiary Study on Dynamic Changing of CO_2 Concentration in Sola Lean to Greenhouse During the Cultivation of Cucumber 日光温室黄瓜栽培CO2浓度的消长规律初探
The sola absorption coefficient is benefit to heat insulation in summer. 外墙太阳吸收系数减小有利于夏季隔热。