- 单人跳棋(独自一人玩的一种游戏,玩者移动盘上棋子的位置,直至最后剩下一枚棋子为止)
Solitaire is a game for one person in which you move and remove objects on a board, with the aim of having one object left at the end of the game.
- 接龙(一种单人纸牌戏)
Solitaire is a card game for only one player.
in BRIT, use 英国英语用 patience
- (镶嵌于戒指或其他珠宝饰物上的)独粒钻石,独粒宝石
A solitaire is a diamond or other jewel that is set on its own in a ring or other piece of jewellery.