The groups of the solvable equations are commutative. 可解方程的群都是交换群。
These are solvable problems. 这些是可以解决的问题。
A potential solution, so we know at least the problem is solvable. 潜在的解决方案,因此我们至少知道问题是可解决的。
We know that our challenges are eminently solvable. 我们知道,我们面临的挑战显然都是可以解决的。
And this meant that the lottery system might actually be solvable, just like those mining samples. 这意味着彩票系统可能实际上是可以限免的,就像这些矿石样本。
A kind subalgebra structure of vertex operator algebra associated to nondegenerate Solvable Lie Algebras 非退化可解李代数的顶点算子代数的一类子代数结构
But they are problems that are not going to be solvable in one soundbite. 但是这些不是瞬间就能解决的问题。
You must realize that the problems of the world may not be solvable by human intellects alone. 必须懂得,世界上的问题也许并非单靠人类的智能就能解决。
A problem is solvable. A constraint must be lived with. 难题是可以解决的,而制约则肯定会一直都伴随。
The LMI optimization problem is not classic LMI solvable form, the free software SCILAB can be used to solve the LMI optimization problem with equality constraint, but MATLAB can not. 带有等式约束的线性矩阵不等式问题是MATLAB无法解决的,利用自由软件SCILAB可以很方便的解决这个问题。
We have gone way beyond the point at which this crisis is solvable by standard instruments of economic policy. 我们已经错过了这场危机只需运用经济政策中的标准工具便可得解决的阶段。
But in the real world, it's very hard to know which problems are important, and you never know whether at a given moment in history a problem is solvable. 但是在现实生活中,知道哪些问题重要是非常困难的,而且在历史某一特定时刻你根本无从知道某个问题是否有解。
Simplified Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Solvable Linear Symmetric Real Deblurring 二维线性实对称可解反降晰的一种简化算法
We must do what we can to help the masses overcome every solvable problem. 一定要努力帮助群众解决一切能够解决的困难。
'It's a mystery now, but I think it's a solvable mystery with further observations and experiments,' Dr McEwen added. “现在这还是一个谜,不过可以通过进一步的观察和试验来解开这个谜”,McEwen说。
Today's relationship problems are not only solvable, but many can be easily solved ─ once you understand what the real problem is. 今天的这个感情婚姻上的问题不但是可以解决的,有些还是非常容易解决的,只要你了解问题的本质是什么。
On the Number of Equivalent Classes of Fuzzy Subgroups of a Finite Solvable Group 有限可解群的Fuzzy子群的阶数及其等价类数
Biological boundaries that most people think of as permanent and inevitable Singularitarians see as merely intractable but solvable problems. 大多数人认为生物的局限性是永恒存在且不可避免的,但奇点主义者却将其视为一个虽棘手但可以解决的难题。
In this paper we prove that the problem is polynomial solvable on several special classes of graphs, such as outerplanar graphs, series-parallel graphs and Eulerian planar graphs. 主要考虑外平面图,系列平行图和平面欧拉图这三类特殊的平面图。
The tarp auction is a fiendishly difficult design problem, but it looks solvable. 不良资产救助计划拍卖会的设计极其艰难,但似乎是可以解决的。
Representation and submodule of vertex algebra associated to a kind of Solvable Lie algebra 一类可解李代数的顶点代数的表示及子模结构
All finite-dimensional path lie algebras are solvable and their Cartan subalgebras of them are obtained. 给出了有限维路李代数均可解的结论和所有的卡当子代数;
The influence of c-normal subgroup on the structure of super solvable group c~-正规子群对超可解群结构的影响
Basically I am saying that the technical issues are solvable given some time and patience. 基本上只有要时间和耐心,这些技术性问题都是可以解决的。
The broad question of which equations are solvable by algebraic operations was definitely and comprehensively answered by Galois. 哪些方程可用代数运算求解,这个重要问题由Galois明确而透彻地回答了。
A Solution on General Inverse Matrix A Class of Nonlinear Evolution Equations Solvable by Inverse Scattering Method 求矩阵广义逆的另一种初等变换方法可用逆散射方法求解的一类非线性演化方程
Problems that are not immediately solvable. 不能马上得到解决的问题。
And one has to wonder if this is even a solvable problem. 且人们不得不担心这是否是一个可以解决的问题。
There are, of course, some technical problems, but once the principle is accepted, these problems are solvable. 当然,这种做法存在一些技术问题,但一旦采用该原则,这些问题将迎刃而解。
By using the concept of almost normal about maximal subgroup, some sufficient and necessary conditions for a finite group to be solvable are obtained. 利用极大子群的几乎正规的概念得到了有限群为可解群的若干充要条件。