
英 [səʊˈmɑːliz] 美 [səˈmɑliz]

网络  索马里人; 索马里


  1. Meanwhile, the escalation in fighting has increased the numbers of Somalis fleeing across the border into Kenya.
  2. Summary: Outsiders need to clear the way for Somalis to solve their many problems.
  3. He said only by helping Somalis create an effective government can the problem be solved.
  4. The BBC reporter in Mogadishu says the US raid has raised concern among Somalis who feared that attacks by foreign forces may help to fuel extremism instead of combating it.
  5. Dr Ali was a tireless, energetic and influential advocate for health in Somalia who was determined to improve health standards and care for her fellow Somalis.
  6. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis have sought refuge there to escape conflict, drought and famine.
  7. Tens of thousands of Somalis have already died, and hundreds of thousands face starvation with consequences for the entire region.
  8. A combination of low incomes and high cereal prices has also put food farther out of reach for average Somalis.
  9. Dobley is often the last stop for displaced Somalis travelling to the sprawling refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya.
  10. With economic conditions in Dobley already quite dire, Abdisalam says providing help for the internally displaced Somalis has drained his already limited resources.
  11. If confirmed, this appears to be the largest Ethiopian deployment since the withdrawal in2009 after a three-year invasion that was very unpopular with ordinary Somalis.
  12. A study of comparable Somali groups in Sweden and Minnesota found that less than a third of working-age Somalis in Sweden had jobs, half the share in Minnesota.
  13. In Kenya, the world's largest refugee camp, Dadaab, gets bigger all the time as Somalis fleeing warfare in their country stream across the border.
  14. That would put the main onus on the Somalis to sort out their own affairs.
  15. The EU says its naval force's main mission is to protect freighters carrying the food aid on which Somalis have depended for the past five years, and has thus staved off a full-blown famine.
  16. American troops intervened at the end of nineteen ninety-two to provide security for United Nations efforts to aid millions of Somalis.
  17. He says the agency could persuade a lot Somalis to stay on their farms if these pledges were translated into money in the bank.
  18. They have routinely diverted food and other supplies meant for starving Somalis into their own hands, leaving many foreign donors unwilling to send more aid.
  19. This is bad news for most Somalis-and for Uganda.
  20. We have the Somalis coming in every day fleeing drought and conflict, plus the famine.
  21. Somalis would see us as we see South Americans, since their interface distance is greater still than ours.
  22. Hundreds of Somalis have taken to the streets of Mogadishu to protest against al-Shabab, the group held responsible for a deadly suicide attack last week.
  23. An official says Eritrea's cabinet has approved a food aid package to Somalis affected by drought and famine.
  24. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis, fleeing famine, have sought shelter in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia.
  25. The report notes average pasture and water conditions, allowing Somalis practicing a pastoral livelihood to follow normal livestock migrations where herds can adequately graze.
  26. The waters were disastrously overfished, destroying the livelihoods of coastal Somalis and leaving them with little else.
  27. We and the Somalis breathe and pollute the same atmosphere, are bathed by the same oceans and compete for the same global pie of shrinking resources.
  28. Ethiopia and Kenya are keeping their borders open to Somalis fleeing malnutrition, Brigety said, and are eager to receive more international support.
  29. And those Somalis who were in Kenya are the ones who have come to our territory to confront al-Shabab.
  30. Somalis fleeing to neighbouring Kenya are said to be arriving in increasingly poor condition.