At a game in Johannesburg on Sunday night, I was surrounded by Mexican fans in sombreros and ponchos, and by Argentines who, for some reason, were waving posters of Che Guevara. 在周日晚约翰内斯堡的一场比赛上,我身边团团围坐着头戴宽边帽、身披斗篷的墨西哥球迷,和(出于某种原因)挥动着切格瓦拉(CheGuevara)海报的阿根廷球迷。
Some revelers wore straw sombreros and stick-on mustaches, poking fun at a national stereotype, while the government sought to promote a more serious side with an open-air philharmonic orchestra. 一些狂欢者戴上宽边大草帽,粘上胡须,拿墨西哥的标志性形象开涮,而政府则以室外交响乐会的形式进行了更隆重的庆祝。
I thought I'd just gotten shitfaced and bought a bunch of sombreros. 我觉得我就是换了一身打扮,买了一堆墨西哥大帽。
A few years ago, the most oft-cited economic statistic in Mexico was that more sombreros were made in China than at home. 几年前,在墨西哥最经常被引用的经济数据,是中国生产的墨西哥宽边帽比墨西哥本国还多。