'Doctor McKee?' the man called in an even, sonorous voice. “是麦基博士吗?”那个男人用平稳而洪亮的声音喊道。
This poem reads sonorous.; This poem is both majestic and sonorous. 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。
The roaring, sonorous boom of white noise separates into deep, regular thuds, and above it the croak of frogs or the alarm calls of unseen jungle birds. 白噪声浑厚的咆哮被分成低沉并规律的重击声,而在它之上的是青蛙的叫声、闹钟的铃声或是某种热带鸟类的声音。
It was possible that the sweetly sonorous hymns stimulated me. 这洪亮悦耳的圣歌是能够刺激我的。
The pipa is a sonorous, four-stringed, pear-shaped instrument held upright on the lap. 琵琶是一种音色清亮的四弦乐器,其形如梨,演奏时被竖抱于膝上。
A category of men of practice focuses on studying how to service of country and society, and consequently, build up their sonorous fame. 另有一类的修行人,他们专注在研究如何为国家社会服务以树立自己响亮的名声。
My normal speaking voice was a squeak like Henry Days, but when I sang "If you go out in the woods tonight," I sounded exactly like the sonorous bass of Frank DeVol on the record. 我正常的说话声是和亨利?戴一样的尖声尖气,但当我唱起“如果你今晚进入森林”,唱腔和录音带里弗兰克?德佛尔的低音一模一样。
Large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry. 叫声洪亮的北美洲西部大型纯种野生白天鹅。
Stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone. 提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮。
If the bell doesn't have the quality of purity and silence, its sound should not be sonorous. 如果钟本身不具纯净、沉寂的性质,那么,它所发出的声音必定不会那么宏亮。
Sonorous pace to advance growth. 步伐铿锵,奋发向上成长。
There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
It is derived from direct inner voices, which are vivid, sonorous and of strong character. 它是来源于最直接的内心的声音,色彩明艳,声音铿锵,个性张扬。
They are another sonorous rose, they are the today most beautiful roses! 她们是又一支铿锵玫瑰,她们是今天最美丽的玫瑰!
The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church. 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。
Among the percussion instruments, the "qing", tuned sonorous stone chimes of the Zhou era, has been retained today. 在打击乐器中,一种声音洪亮悦耳的石制编钟“磬”一直从周朝沿用至今。
The sonorous tones of the priest 教士那圆润低沉的声调
The pace of this tale is slow but certain, as though the story unfolds to the beat of an ancient, sonorous drum. 故事的叙述节奏舒缓但又坚定,似乎应着远古响亮的鼓声而呈现开来。
He was chosen as a broadcaster for his round and sonorous voice. 他因为嗓音圆润洪亮而被选为播音员。
Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse. 他们又用荷马写史诗的那种音调铿锵的语言交谈了几句话。
The music is "Duolang Mukamu"( a big divertimento), accompanied by sonorous male singing. 此舞由《多朗木卡姆》(大型套曲)伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱;
He was continually giving vent to a hearty, sonorous, unshared laugh. 他还时常发出一阵愉快、响亮、干脆的笑声。
Sonorous singing came from the distance. 从远处传来高亢的歌声。
Heavy sounds; a herald chosen for his sonorous voice. 响亮的声音;为他嘹亮的声音而宣布的决定。
Sonorous Sound with Smart look is the initial impression of Active3S line arrays system. 轻巧而声音圆润、洪亮就是有源3S线阵的第一印象。
His voice is so sonorous and piercing that it penetrated the farthest alleys and retreats of the town. 他的声音如此尖锐宏亮,都传到了镇上最远的小巷和偏僻幽静的角落。
It is impossible to judge from his sonorous homilies just where Harding stood on any specific issue. 要从哈定声音洪亮而内容可厌的说教里判断他对任何具体问题的立场是不可能的。
The history enters the info era with sonorous steps, endowing enterprise with infinite vitality. 历史以铿锵的步伐跨入信息时代,赋于本企业无穷的生命力。
These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of bartram. 这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵有声的散文。
This strange and sonorous cry was produced by a game bird called grouse in the United States. 这种奇怪而响亮的鸣叫是由美国常见的一种带颈羽的松鸡发出来的。