The success of charlatans, sorcerers, and alchemists and all those who abuse public credulity is founded on errors in this type of calculation. 牛皮大王、巫士和炼金术士(以及滥用公众信任的所有人)的成功都是因为一般人无法正确评估可能性。
However, because of their unique identity as sorcerers, Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure "love of wisdom" as did their western counterparts. 然而,由于信奉巫术的传统,中国哲学家们“爱智慧”(小编注:“哲学”的英文philosophy源自希腊语,意为“爱智慧”)并不像西方哲学家们那样纯粹的。
All too often in the recent past, Hollywood's most magical tools have fallen into the hands of sorcerers 'apprentices who perpetrate the same old succession of explosions, car crashes and fireballs. 近期历史上,好莱坞最具魔力的工具常常落入魔术师的学徒手里,爆炸、撞车、火球那一套被他们周而复始地玩弄。
This story is about sorcerers in traditional fairy-tales. 这故事传遍了全国。这个故事是关于传统童话中的魔术师的。
All efreeti sorcerers have either been taught by nefafareen or by one of her students. 所有的火怪巫师都由尼法法瑞自己或她的学生指导过。
The queen sent for her, and the maiden told her that her son was alive and in the dungeon a prisoner of four sorcerers, who took him out every night at midnight for exercise. 女王传她上殿,姑娘就把在地牢里看见王子还活着、被四个魔法师关押着、每晚半夜押他出来放风的情况告诉了女王。
If sorcerers and wizards and monsters left to other people and together, it would return to attack other people, and a boat ride only two. 如果术士的怪兽离开术士而有机会和其他人在一起,它就回攻击其他人,并且小船一次只能乘坐两人。
He surrounded himself with a phalanx of sorcerers and magicians. 他总是让自己身边有巫师术士们护佑。
They are adept sorcerers able to wield the clan's store of magical items with ease. 他们是有技巧的巫师,能够熟练使用氏族保存的魔法物品。
Back in their home, the Old Kingdom, such fogs were often created by Free Magic sorcerers. 在他们家的后面,古国,雾经常肆行术师创造出来。
They can be invoked by sorcerers, and often change shape. 他们可以援引巫师,而且经常改变形状。
They brought him to many sorcerers and black magicians to treat his "illness" but there was no result. Finally, they brought him to the prayer house for prayer. 家人找许多巫师和行邪术的人来医治他的病,但都无效,最后来祈祷所祷告。
Rumpelstiltskin sent the Fairy Godmother the recipe for this magic spell. It was in tiny, tiny writing, so she did not read it but hoped the Sorcerers 'Exchange Commission had checked it. 咒语是很小、很小的字体写的,因此教母就没有看,而是希望魔法交易委员会(Sorcerers'ExchangeCommission)已经作了检查。
It is sorcerers and charlatans who accept money for their spells and prayers. 江湖术士才会接受金钱去贩卖他们的咒语和祈祷。
How will existing sorcerers switch to the new spells? 术士怎么转变到新的法术呢?
Some sorcerers may enjoy causing destruction, but jeddite worships it. 有些巫师喜欢引起毁灭,杰迪特却是痴迷于此道。
For most of history, the scientist and his predecessor, the natural philosopher, have been characters of suspicion, closely allied with magicians, sorcerers, and other dabblers in arcane arts. 在大部分的历史上,科学家和他的先辈们(自然哲学家),一直是一些满腹狐疑的主儿,跟术士、巫师和其他那些玩弄秘术的家伙过从甚密。
And the king ordered the call for the magicians, conjurers, sorcerers, and the Chaldeans to declare to the king his dreams; and they came in and stood before the king. 王吩咐人将术士、用法术的、行邪术的、和迦勒底人召来,要他们将王的梦告诉王;他们就来站在王前。
Particularly, along with the development of science and technology, some sorceresses and sorcerers used Superstition as science to deceive people for wealth in nearly years. 特别是近些年来,随着科学技术的不断发展,一些巫婆、神汉等迷信职业者纷纷打着科学的旗号进行各类迷信行骗活动;
Sorcerers of the Southwestern Minority Nationalities and Their Social Functions 西南少数民族的巫师及其社会职能