Gavroche raised his face, astonished at the size of this sou; he stared at it in the darkness, and the whiteness of the big sou dazzled him. 伽弗洛什抬起他的鼻子,见到那枚钱币会那么大,不免有点吃惊,他在黑暗中望着那个大苏,它的白光照花了他的眼睛。
Barons are old fellows, they go to the Luxembourg, in front of the chateau, where there is the most sun, and they read the Quotidienne for a sou. 男爵,那都是些老家伙,他们逛卢森堡公园,全待在大楼前面,太阳最好的地方,还看一个苏一张的《每日新闻》。
And not a sou in the house! 并且家里一个苏也没有!
Jean Valjean accepted the sou with a deep bow. 冉阿让收下这个苏,总深深地一鞠躬。
One day the Bishop caught sight of him in the act of bestowing this charity, and said to his sister, with a smile," There is M.Geborand purchasing paradise for a sou. " 一天,主教撞见他在行那件善事,他笑嘻嘻向他的妹子说:“惹波兰先生又在那儿买他那一个苏的天堂了。”
It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him. 有时,他会遇见一些软心肠的妇人转过身来给他一个苏。
When he paid at the desk where Madam Rousseau, at that period still plump and rosy majestically presided, he gave a sou to the waiter, and Madam Rousseau gave him a smile. 柜台上,端坐着当时仍然肥硕鲜润的卢梭大娘,付帐时,他给堂倌一个苏,卢梭大娘则对他报以微笑。
You only see me at night, and you give me your love; if you were to see me in the daytime, you would give me a sou! 我是个穷小子。你只是在夜晚看见我,把你的爱给我了。
He had not the air of owning a sou, but he does not consider money; he pays to Lagny, and he goes only as far as Chelles. 看他那样子,不见得有钱,可是花起钱来,却又不在乎,他付车费,付到拉尼,但只坐到谢尔。
My poor children, you will not have a sou! 我可怜的孩子们,你们将一无所有!
Besides, no one has any interest in looking closely after children who have not a sou. 并且,对这种没有一文钱的孩子,谁也不会感兴趣,要跑来看个清楚。
My daughter dangerously injured, not a sou! 小女受了重伤,很危险,一个苏也没有!
But I were not in sagitar, sou could not see me. U turned left in red light 但是我开的不是速腾,所以你看不见我,你左转的时候还闯了一个红灯
Use your fingertips not your palms, sou can have more control. 应该使用你的手指,而不是手掌,这样你能对球控制的更好。
Prince Sou who cherished life and preferred conservation of body to throne, was the ideal king who people of Yue supported. 像王子搜这种爱惜生命,不愿因王位而伤身的人,也正是越人拥戴,想要找的理想国王。
Then, Prince Sou felt nervous because he rather loathed the position of the king that was hard and dangerous. 这下王子搜紧张了,他实在不愿意当这个吃力不讨好,又有生命危险的国王。
After the delivery of that sermon, it was observed that he gave a sou every Sunday to the poor old beggar-women at the door of the cathedral. 自从那次讲道以后,大家都看见他每逢星期日总拿一个苏给天主堂大门口的那几个乞讨的老婆婆。
Based on an analysis of the historical data and electricity consumption behaviors, customers'response to SOU price is first described by a price elasticity matrix of demand. 基于对用户历史数据和电力消费行为的分析,通过建立丰枯季节电价的电量电价弹性矩阵来反映用户对丰枯季节电价的响应。
She was living on her savings which she had got together sou by sou. It is necessary to save for when you are iii or too old to work. 她此时的生活全靠着自己的一点积蓄,这点积蓄是一个小钱一个小钱地积起来的。有必要积蓄些钱以备生病或年老不能工作时用。
He wanted to save his dead brother's name from dishonour without obliging either his nephew or himself to part with a sou. 他要挽回亡弟的名誉,可无须他或他的侄儿花一个钱。
Nobody in that house full of gold ever saw a sou lying about. 在这座堆满黄金的屋子里,谁也没有看见过一个大钱。
Although Argentina is a better team overall, there were many surprises in this World Cup, sou never know! 虽说阿根廷在总体上要更强一些,但是这届世界杯已经有很多意外了,所以,谁知道呢!
The Travel of The Peach Blossom Garden is a prose in Tao Yuan Ming Ji, but it is also a fiction in Sou Shen Hou Ji. 《桃花源记》是收录在《陶渊明集》中的一篇散文,但它也同时被作为一篇小说收录在《搜神后记》里。
He hasn't a sou, ie he's very poor. 他穷得连一个子儿也没有。
He hasn't a Sou to his name. 他名下没有一个法国铜币。
When the bread was cut, the baker threw the sou into his drawer, and Gavroche said to the two children. 当面包已经切好,面包师也收下了那个苏,伽弗洛什便对那两个孩子说。
NIKKY: sou only have sex with those in Shanghai? 那你只和上海的女性朋友发生关系么?
And sou want to become a police do u know which school to go? 你想当警察,那有没有想过以后要考哪所学校呢?
Elly: sou think they need some public insurance to balance with the private insurance? 那你觉得美国该有国家提供的医疗保障,而不是光保险公司提供的医疗保险了?