Sough through the windows of autumn Entering from the dormitory. 飒飒秋风从宿舍的窗户穿越而入。
Approval should be sough before doctors carry out such operations. 医生在做这样的手术前必须获经同意。
Keep a calm sough*, hear every man's counsel, and keep your own. 别出声,听听各人的意见,不要忙表态。
Centenary war: dusk earth in sunset, a sough grass land with a sort of dreariness and a great centenary war to begin. 世纪之战:西斜的落日,为大地染上一片昏黄,萧瑟的草原凭添几分沧凉,一场浩瀚磅礴的世纪之战,就此展开。
Tolerant or Intolerant: Two Faces Shown by God& Study of Problems of Tolerance in the UK in the Middle Ages; His style is not polished but very serious and well calculated to achieve the thematic ends he sough. 上帝示人的两张面孔:宽容与不宽容&中世纪英国宽容问题研究他的写作风格虽显粗糙,但内容严肃,与表现主题十分相符。