They never had a serious argument and were soulmates. 他们从没激烈争吵过,他们是灵魂伴侣。
Elena fell in love not once, but twice, with two epic soulmates, and I myself made some of the best friends I'll ever know and built an extended family I will love forever. 埃琳娜曾经两次陷入爱河,两次碰到了不起的灵魂伴侣,我也在这里的这个大家庭中认识了许多好朋友,我会永远爱他们。
And that's why the story of the mountain-top soulmates makes all of our hearts skip a beat. 这也是为什么爱情天梯灵魂伴侣的故事让所有人的心灵为之一颤的原因吧。
The couple married in August 2012 after dating for two years-but the soulmates had been friends since meeting during an American Football game at university in 2007. 萨莎和约瑟夫交往两年后于2012年结婚,但是两人从2007年在大学的一场足球赛上相识后就一直是朋友。
Over time, you become soulmates. 你们是在时间流逝中成为灵魂伴侣的。
That's reinforced by popular culture, which celebrates the idea of soulmates miraculously finding each other. 同时被流行文化加强,即颂扬灵魂伴侣可以奇迹般地找到对方的思想。
These two leaders will never be soulmates, but they seem to have agreed on a destination. 这两位领导人永远不会成为知心伴侣,但他们似乎对于目的地意见一致。
Some teachings say that each of us has several of these ultimate soulmates; 有些信仰说,我们每个人都有数个心灵伴侣;