We may even produce movies with dual language soundtracks, a Chinese one for the domestic market and English for the international market, Yu says. 他说:我们甚至会针对国内市场和主打英语的国际市场,来拍双语电影。
Would you be writing the songs for the soundtracks for your two movies? 你会为这两部电影写原声带歌曲吗?
Add stunning special effects, soundtracks, and your own voice narration to your photo stories. 新增惊人的特效,配乐,和你自己的语音解说,以您的照片故事。
Home THX Technologies are needed to reproduce these movie soundtracks accurately. 家用THX技术的目标就是精确在现这些音轨。
The tradition of setting off large quantities of fireworks at every wedding and shop opening has been replaced by the playing of firecracker soundtracks. 根据传统,在举行婚礼和商店开业时,人们都会燃放大量烟花爆竹,而这一传统如今已被播放爆竹响声录音所取代。
Slide shows with soundtracks are definitely addictive. 有配乐的幻灯片节目,肯定具有吸引力。
Sites dedicated to the music and soundtracks from classic movies. 网站专门为音乐和经典电影配乐。
The lifestyle quality within these walls has always looked for some beautiful settings and great soundtracks. 博洛尼亚的高品质生活来源于美丽的环境和弦乐器发出的悠扬声音。
Successful movie soundtracks in history. 史上最成功的电影原声。
Avoid hearing game sounds, including incidental sounds and soundtracks, that are not essential to using the game. 避免听到游戏声音,包括附带声音和配乐,这是并不是玩游戏时必需的声音。
For foreign-language films there is a healthy prejudice against'dubbed'English soundtracks, and such films are usually shown with English subtitles. 由于英国人对配音译制片有强烈的偏见,外语影片放映时常常配有英文字幕加以说明。
Enables an author to create pages with background sounds or soundtracks. 使页面能够带有背景声音或配音。
Film is a kind of multi-media art transferring information with visual images and soundtracks. Thus, film translation with various distinctive features, compared with literary translation, is much more complicated. 电影是一门通过声音和图像传递信息的艺术,因而,影片翻译较之文学作品翻译有着更为复杂的特点。
The progress of science and technology have not only brought about the relentless development of film industry, but also boosted the soundtracks of the films. 科学技术的进步带来电影的不断发展,同时也推动着电影音乐的不断发展。