The robots will teach after-school classes at 21 schools in the south-eastern city of Daegu. 这些机器人会在韩国东南部城市大邱广域市的21所学校中教授课后兴趣班。
However, the project was backed by several countries in south-eastern Europe, which saw it as improving their energy security. They also looked forward to earning money from transit fees for Russian gas crossing their territory. 然而,该项目得到了欧洲东南部几个国家的支持,他们认为这条管道有利于自己的能源安全,也期待获利于俄罗斯天然气的过境运输费。
Six of the cases occurred in Salyan Rayon in the south-eastern part of the country. 这些病例中的6例发生在该国东南部的萨利亚内区。
The fossils were preserved in rocks formed by layers of ancient marine mud in south-eastern Morocco. 这些化石都保存在由古代东南部摩洛哥海泥层形成的岩石。
The name Guinea occurs again a few decades later in the South-eastern US, though describing a different animal entirely-a small, black hog common on homesteads across the region. 然而几十年后,几内亚猪这个名字在美国的东南部地区又一次的出现了,虽然以一种完全不同的样子出现&小的,黑色的家畜猪。
Q: How can tobacco control move forward in south-eastern Asia? 问:请问应该如何在东南亚推动烟草控制?
But she was freed by Sandor, and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean. 伊琳娜宁愿死也不要像这个暴君道歉,但是她被桑铎救了出来,并且一路逃往翡翠洋东南的群岛中。
The case is a41-year-old woman from the south-eastern province of Fujian. 患者为东南部福建省的一名41岁妇女。
This style of cooking is peculiar to the South-Eastern provinces. 这种烹调方法是东南几省的特色。
By 2008, about 200 enterprises will be moved out of the south-eastern suburbs and the Fourth Ring Road. 2008年之前完成东南郊和四环路内200家左右企业的调整搬迁。
The second case is a24-year old woman who worked as a poultry farmer in the south-eastern province of Anhui. 第二例为东南部安徽省的一名24岁妇女,她是一名家禽饲养者。
The case is a26-year-old female farmer from the south-eastern province of Fujian. 该病例为东南部福建省一名26岁女农民。
The deal was a sign of things to come, as Brazil began the exploitation of the recently discovered oil and gas reserves in the basins off its south-eastern coast. 在巴西开始开采近年在其东南海岸盆地发现的油气储量之际,这笔交易预示了一个趋势。
The case occurred in a12-year-old boy from the south-eastern province of Prey Veng, which borders Viet Nam. 该病例发生于东南部与越南接壤的波萝勉省1名12岁男童。
This is Moulmein, a port town and the colonial-era capital of Burma's Mon state, on the south-eastern Andaman coast. 缅甸的港口城市毛淡棉位于安达曼群海的东南部,曾经是殖民时期缅甸孟省的省会。
A quality, mannerism, or custom specific to or characteristic of the Orient. This style of cooking is peculiar to the South-Eastern provinces. 东方风格一种代表了东方特有的或具有东方特色的风格、生活方式或风俗这种烹调方法是东南几省的特色。
In fact, the university town in the south-eastern German state of Thuringia is a thriving high-tech hub. 事实上,德国东南部图林根州的大学城已经成为了繁荣的高科技中心。
At the south-eastern end is the huge and impressively designed mall of restaurants and stores. 在东南端,有设计醒目、集餐厅和商店于一体的商业场。
The study adopted the method of in-depth interviews on new immigrants from South-eastern countries and21 respondents were interviewed. 本研究采质化研究的深度访谈法进行资料收集,以东南亚不同国籍的新移民进行深度访谈,共有21位接受并完成受访。
Cross-border Small-scale Trading in South-Eastern Europe: Do Embeddedness and Social Capital Explain Enough? 东南欧跨境小额贸易:嵌入性与社会资本能给予充分解释吗?
The clothing company has six retail outlets in south-eastern australia. 这家服装公司在澳大利亚东南部有6家零售商店。
The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found across the swampy forests of the south-eastern states. 曾有人在东南部的沼泽森林一带时发现过象牙喙啄木鸟。
Torrential rains flood the coast of Peru, while south-eastern Australia wilts in drought. 秘鲁海岸被暴雨淹没,而澳大利亚东南部却在干旱中萎靡。
Our products are mainly exported to Europe, USA, Korea and South-eastern Asia. 公司产品主要对外销往欧洲,美洲,韩国及东南亚等地区。
The Economic Vicissitudes in South Chinese Sea and Modern South-Eastern Regions-with the Min-nan Region as Its Centre 南中国海与近代东南地区社会经济变迁&以闽南地区为中心
Rainfall in south-eastern and western mountainous ones, the annual average of2,000 mm or more; 降雨量东南部及西部山区偏多,全年平均有2000毫米以上;
The effects of a global economic slowdown would ripple into south-eastern Europe. 全球经济增长放缓的影响将波及到东南欧洲。
Guangxi catering culture, as the key part of the catering culture of South-eastern China fails to be excavated and sort out for one reason or another. 广西饮食文化是西南饮食文化的重要组成部分,由于种种原因,这一区域的饮食文化缺乏系统的挖掘与整理。
But the Chinese, mostly from the south-eastern provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian, are unlike all the others& they don't come as cheap labourers, but as small entrepreneurs with capital of their own. 但是绝大部份是来自东部省份和浙江福建的中国移民和其他移民不同&他们并不是来当廉价劳动力,而是作为拥有自已资本的小企业家来到希腊。