The Soviets pushed their proposal at that juncture. 苏联人在这个时候大力推行他们的建议。
But after investing in better research and education, we didn't just surpass the Soviets; we unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries and millions of new jobs. 然而,通过不断加大对研究和教育的投入,我们不仅超越了苏联,还发起了轰轰烈烈的技术革新运动。许多新兴产业应运而生,提供了数百万工作岗位。
Three years later, Romania was overrun by the Soviets and signed an armistice. 三年后,罗马尼亚被前苏联入侵,并签署了休战协议。
But closure of this one subterranean channel into the U.S. semi-conductor industry troubled the Soviets only slightly. 但是,这条通向美国半导体工业的秘密渠道的关闭,并没有使苏联人受到多大的影响。
But one of the things the Soviets did was announce the weight of the Mir station. 但是苏联所做的事情之一却是公布和平号空间站的重量。
Afghan children play football inside the swimming pool built by Soviets during the Soviet occupation in Kabul. 阿富汗的小孩子们在前苏联占领喀布尔时兴建的游泳池里玩足球。
He wanted to call off the moon race and cooperate with the soviets. 取消探月行动并和苏联人合作。
I began to search further back for more definite clues connecting Ellis to the Soviets in the postwar period. 我开始探索战前时期,寻找埃利斯同俄国人有所来往的更加肯定的线索。
Imprisoned by the Soviets in1941. 1941年被苏联关押过。
Soviets are not friends or foes; 苏联不是朋友也不是敌人;
She was the first foreign journalist permitted by the Soviets to travel that route. 她是由苏维埃政权批准使用这条航线的第一个外国记者。
The Soviets respect power and strength. They understand military strength best of all. 苏联所崇拜的是权力和实力,他们最懂得军事力量。
And since GDI and NOD weren't actually in this game, it was discussed that it would be allies and soviets, with a "what if" fun campy scenario. 而且,由于GDI和Nod在这场比赛不是实际上,它是讨论了将是盟国和苏联的“如果”有趣滑稽的情况。
The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 brought home to the Soviets the penalty for strategic inferiority. 一九六二年的古巴导弹危机使苏联人清醒地看到战略劣势造成的不利后果。
Sputnik was an important propaganda victory for the Soviets in its cold war with the United States. 它是在苏联与美国冷战期间宣传上的一次重要胜利。
He was always willing to engage and negotiate with the Soviets when it would advance our interests. 他总是愿意在能够推进我们的利益时,与苏联接触和商谈。
The Soviets said they wanted to increase trade with Europe. 苏联政府讲他们想提高与欧洲的贸易。
The poor road situation in Russia proved to be a valuable ally for the Soviets. 苏联粗劣的道路成了他们非常有价值的盟友。
Senator Henry Jackson on October 14 publicly accused me of having been beguiled by the Soviets. 亨利·杰克逊参议员十月十四日公开指责我被苏联人欺骗了。
For covert mind warfare against the Soviets in afghanistan. 来与前苏联在阿富汗进行地下精神战。
Increasingly, the Soviets sell arms for economic as well as strategic reasons. 苏联出售武器不仅出自战略上的考虑,而且也是为了经济上的理由,这点是越来越明显了。
The Japanese hoped to either force the Soviets to abandon their bridgehead or to completely rout Zhukov's forces. 日本人期待这样的进攻可以使苏联人放弃他们的桥头堡又或直接将朱可夫的部队击溃。
After months of skirmishing, the allies and the Soviets settled down to a Modus Vivendi. 经过几个月的小规模冲突之后,西方盟国与苏联达成了妥协。
When Reagan visited Moscow for the fourth summit in1988, he was viewed as a celebrity by the Soviets. 1988年,里根到莫斯科参加第四次首脑会议,他被苏联人看作一位名人。
By1971 the Soviets had caught up with us. 到1971年,苏联人赶上了我们。
The Soviets possessed the greater preponderance of information, and the American scientists were unwilling to take it seriously. 前苏联方面掌握了巨大的信息优势,美国的科学家都不愿意当真。
When they were fighting my fellow soviets. 尽管他们在打我的苏联盟军。
Newspaper articles assured the Soviets that the German Lebensraum did not encroach on Russian territory. 报纸的文章向俄国人保证说,德国的生存空间不会扩张到俄国的领土。