Soyabean and Chinese sorghum grow across the land. 漫山遍野的大豆高粱。
The country is the worlds largest soyabean importer, and its overseas corn purchases are also growing. 中国是世界上最大的大豆进口国,而中国从国外进口的玉米也在逐年增长。
China is now experimenting with direct subsidies rather than floor prices for some cotton and soyabean growers, but has maintained the floor price for other crops. 中国正尝试直接补贴部分棉花和大豆种植者,而不是提供最低价格,但对其他作物仍维持最低保护价。
Its agribusiness has also been plagued by overcapacity in key markets, including Brazilian sugar-milling and Chinese soyabean crushing. 其农产品业务还一直受到关键市场产能过剩的困扰,包括巴西的制糖业和中国的大豆压榨业。
The surge in corn and soyabean prices comes as the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation and the OECD, the rich countries 'club, warned in their annual food outlook report that prices are set to remain high for at least another 10 years. 在玉米和大豆价格飙升之际,联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganisation)和富国俱乐部经合组织(OECD)在年度粮食前景报告中警告称,未来至少10年内,粮食价格将继续维持高位。
Soyabean prices have doubled in a decade to$ 10 a bushel. 10年来,大豆价格已翻了一番,至每蒲式耳10美元。
Corn and soyabean prices surged on Thursday after the US government said inventories were even lower than earlier believed, suggesting that supplies will fall to critically low levels before the northern hemisphere harvest. 玉米和大豆价格周四飙升。此前,美国政府宣布两者的库存比之前预期的还要低,意味着在北半球收获季之前,玉米和大豆的供应将降至极度危险的低水平。
Imports now account for about 80 per cent of raw soyabean. 目前,进口大豆占80%左右。
Agricultural commodities analysts have warned that rising prices for corn, wheat and soyabean will force up feedstock costs for farmers, leading to higher meat, poultry and milk prices for consumers. 农产品分析人士已发出警告,玉米、小麦与大豆价格的上涨将推高农民的饲料成本,最终使消费者面对更高的肉、禽、奶价格。
But the FAO said the production response may be limited as rising food prices had made other crops, from sugar to soyabean and cotton, attractive to grow. 然而FAO也表示,由于食品价格上涨使种植糖类作物、大豆和棉花等具有吸引力,因此增产回应可能有限。
Corn and soyabean stocks will also be lower than expected as demand from emerging countries rises in spite of record prices. 尽管价格屡创新高,新兴国家的需求却不断上升,因此玉米和大豆库存也将低于预期水平。
A key driver for the rising corn and soyabean imports this year has been a dietary shift. 国人饮食习惯的改变,是今年中国玉米和大豆进口增加的一个关键原因。
Soyabean imports, for example, have tripled in the past three to four years. 例如,过去3到4年,中国大豆进口已增加两倍。
The cost of commodities such as corn and soyabean has surged this week to levels not seen since the food crisis started in 2007. 本周,玉米和大豆等大宗商品价格飙升至自2007粮食危机以来的最高水平。
In Argentina, the soyabean crop is forecast to fall almost 20 per cent this year owing to drought and pests, raising pressure on US supplies. 在阿根廷,由于干旱和虫灾,预计今年大豆收成将下降近两成,这加大了美国供应的压力。
Soyabean exports from the US and Brazil to China are now the largest agricultural trade relationships in the world. 美国和巴西对中国的大豆出口是目前世界上规模最大的农业贸易。
Meanwhile, consumption of key feedstocks such as corn and soyabeans used to fatten livestock have jumped& soyabean consumption has doubled in the past 10 years. 与此同时,玉米和大豆等用于喂养牲口的主要饲料消耗量激增,其中大豆消耗量10年来翻了一番。
This would include a bumper soyabean crop of about 70m tonnes. 这其中将包括约7000万吨的大豆。
The price of commodities such as soyabean, wheat and rice have surged this year to all-time highs and corn prices have jumped to a 12-year record. 大豆、小麦和大米等农产品价格今年飙升至历史高位,玉米价格也跃升至12年高点。
European wheat prices jumped by 10 per cent while the cost of other key commodities, including soyabean, sugar, cotton, barley and oats, also surged. 欧洲小麦价格上涨10%,其它关键农产品价格也飙升,包括大豆、蔗糖、棉花、大麦和燕麦。
Soyabean and wheat prices also moved higher, further threatening to increase the cost of food aid this year. 大豆和小麦价格也有所上涨,使今年的粮食援助成本更有可能增加。
Both soyabean and corn are an important part of the global food chain providing animal feed for cows, sheep, pigs and poultry consumed all over the world. 大豆和玉米都是全球食物链的重要组成部分,为世界各地消费的牛、羊、猪和家禽提供动物饲料。
In Chicago, wheat and rice prices for delivery in March 2008 have jumped to an all-time record, soyabean prices have surged to a 34-year high and corn prices have hit a 11-year peak. 在芝加哥,2008年3月交割的小麦和糙米期货价格均跃升至历史最高水平,大豆期货价格创下34年新高,玉米价格也升至11年高点。
Among key crops, wheat, corn, barley and oilseeds such as soyabean will see large increases; only rice will have limited gains. 在主要作物中,小麦、玉米、大麦以及大豆等油籽的价格都将大幅上涨,只有大米的涨幅将较为有限。
Latest US export figures suggesting continued strong Chinese demand buoyed corn and soyabean prices, with bad weather also raising worries about supplies of the cereals. 最新美国出口数据似乎表明,持续强劲的中国需求提振了玉米和大豆价格,同时糟糕的天气令人对这些谷物的供应感到担忧。
Soyabean prices had also seen support earlier in the week from weekly USDA export sales figures to China. 本周早些时候美国农业部发布的每周对华出口销售数据,也对大豆价格起到了支撑作用。
Leading rice, wheat and soyabean exporters such as Argentina, Vietnam and Russia have restricted their foreign sales, triggering concerns among importing countries about food supply security. 包括阿根廷、越南和俄罗斯在内,世界领先的大米、小麦和大豆出口国已经对其出口实施了限制,导致粮食进口国对粮食供应安全忧心忡忡。