The Philips deal also gives Sparc a foot in the door of a new market — consumer electronics. 与飞利浦公司的交易也使斯巴克得以进入一个新市场——消费类电子产品。
It also can run only on low-end SPARC servers. 另外,它只能在低端SPARC服务器上运行。
Other architectures supported in this mode include ARM, SPARC, and PowerPC, though more are under development. 这种模式支持的其他体系结构还包括ARM、SPARC和PowerPC,而且还有很多尚在开发之中。
Since SPARC is big-endian and x86 is little-endian, you need to consider endianness issues. 由于SPARC采用的是big-endian,而x86采用的是little-endian,因此您需要考虑endianness的问题。
This process creates not only an executable qemu image for the current target architecture but also a set of images for other architectures, including ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, 68k, and SPARC. 此过程不仅可以为当前的目标架构创建可执行的qemu映像,而且可以为其他架构(包括ARM、MIPS、PowerPC、68k和SPARC)创建一组映像。
In this respect, it is similar to Solaris, which can run on their SPARC RISC architecture, as well as x86 machines. 它与Solaris相似,可以在SPARCRISC体系结构和x86机器上运行。
On Solaris SPARC, atomic operation for locking can be implemented as the following 在SolarisSPARC上,加锁的原子操作可以如下实现
Server-line& Only low-end Sparc servers are supported 服务器系列&只支持低端Sparc服务器
It used to be that platform and architecture were closely related; SPARC meant SunOS, for instance. 平台和体系结构这两个概念通常都非常紧密地联系在一起使用;举例来说,SPARC就意味着SunOS。
The most common approach taken by current processors, including Intel and Sparc processors, is to implement a primitive called compare-and-swap, or CAS. 现在的处理器(包括Intel和Sparc处理器)使用的最通用的方法是实现名为比较并转换或CAS的原语。
On Sparc, it is still based on logical domains. 在Sparc上,它仍然基于逻辑域。
On a Solaris SPARC box, use format to create or configure the partition. 在SolarisSPARC系统中,可以使用format来创建并配置分区。
In addition, the system has about 4,000 chips developed in China that are based on a standard design called Sparc. 除此之外,这一系统拥有大约4000个在中国开发的芯片,这些芯片基于一种叫做Sparc的标准设计。
Researchers are now investigating why some people are more prone to fat tissue scarring than others and how further understanding of SPARC could contribute to future treatments for diabetes. 研究人员目前正在调查为什么有些人比其他人更容易产生脂肪组织疤痕以及如何进一步了解SPARC从而有助于未来糖尿病治疗。
Objective To evaluate the surgical approaches, complications, safety and efficacy of the suprapubic arc sling ( SPARC) applied for stress urinary incontinence ( SUI). 目的探讨经阴道尿道中段无张力吊带术(SPARC)治疗女性压力性尿失禁(SUI)的手术方法、并发症的发生及预防、有效性及其安全性。
It is thought that leptin, in an attempt to balance energy levels in the body, could trigger SPARC to limit the storage of fat. 瘦素被认为试图平衡体内的能量水平,这可能会引发SPARC限制储存脂肪。
The Expression of VEGF-C 、 PDGF-A and SPARC in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma VEGF-C、PDGF-A和SPARC在口腔鳞状细胞癌中表达的研究
Effects of SPARC and its peptide on proliferation and apoptosis of human mesangial cells cultured in vitro 富含半胱氨酸酸性分泌糖蛋白及其肽段对人系膜细胞增殖和凋亡的作用
Conclusion It has high value to estimate the hypertension's risk factors and to formulate prevention and cure strategy by using PARc% and sPARC%; 结论利用调整人群归因危险度和综合人群归因危险度对高血压危险因素的评价及制定相应防治策略方面有较高的价值;
Ellison initially provided few details about what Oracle would do with the Sparc chips but last week said Oracle plans to stay in the hardware business and would increase its investment in Sparc. Ellison此前并未就Oracle在SunSparc处理器方面的有关计划作出详细说明,不过他上周称Oracle将继续经营硬件业务,并将为Sparc项目追加投资。
In a further study with the University of Gothenburg, scientists found that a reduced calorie diet can decrease SPARC levels and the stimulus for tissue scarring. 在进一步与哥德堡大学的研究中科学家发现减少饮食热量可以降低SPARC的水平和对疤痕组织的刺激。
Flight Control Software Development Technology Based on RTEMS and SPARC 基于SPARC与RTEMS的飞行控制软件开发技术
SPARC can do this by increasing the formation of scars in fat tissue, which can prevent fat being stored safely in the body. SPARC可以通过脂肪组织中增加瘢痕做到这一点,这样便可以阻止脂肪稳固的储存在体内。
Objective: To investigate the expression of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine ( SPARC) in cervical carcinoma and its relationship with biological behavior of cervical carcinoma. 目的:探讨富含半胱氨酸的分泌型酸性蛋白(SPARC)在宫颈癌中的表达变化及其与宫颈癌生物学行为的关系。
Researching of Operating System Simulator Based on SPARC Architecture SPARC体系结构的操作系统仿真器实现方法研究
Our data suggest that SPARC may play a role in follicular development and corpus luteum formation. 这些结果表明,SPARC可能在小鼠卵泡发育和黄体形成与退化过程中起重要作用。
In this study, SPARC-null mice were used to study the role of SPARC in erythropoiesis and B lymphopoiesis. 本研究以SPARC缺失小鼠为研究对象,研究SPARC在红细胞和B淋巴细胞发育中的作用。
You can implement the coprocessor freely in SPARC where provides with the coprocessor instruction set. 可以在SPARC微处理器中自由实现协处理器,SPARC中也提供了支持协处理器的指令集。