Objective To explore the linearic regularity of airways ′ spasm and spasmolysis in asthmatic patients, and provide theory bases for clinic treatment. 目的:研究哮喘患者痉挛气道的解痉时相线性规律,为哮喘患者的解痉治疗提供理论依据。
Objective: To estimate the safety and efficiency of the painless method by Spasmolysis and Hypno-anesthesia for colonoscopy. 目的:前瞻性研究解痉催眠镇痛法用于无痛肠镜检查的有效性和安全性。
Through partly using medicine to get spasmolysis and calm down asthma and relieve expectoration, that can be favorite in absorbing to get rid of the block of respiratory tract and keep it smooth. 通过给雾化吸入局部用药,以达到解痉、平喘止痰、化痰、消炎的目的,更有利于吸痰,解除呼吸道阻塞,保持呼吸道通畅。
Consider to make clear, the root of herbaceous peony and root of herbaceous peony contain peony glucoside and have spasmolysis contraction effect. Separation and Indentification of compound Gegen mixture by TLC 研究表明,赤芍和白芍都含有芍药甙而有解痉挛作用。薄层色谱法分离鉴定复方葛根合剂中桂皮醛、芍药甙和甘草次酸
Painless method for colonoscopy by spasmolysis and hypno-anesthesia 解痉催眠镇痛法无痛肠镜
Methods: The change of physiological variables of pregnant women and umbilical vascular resistance were measured. it had pharmacologic effects on blood cycle in heart and brain, spasmolysis and hypoglycemia etc. 方法:检测胎教音乐对孕妇各项生理指标的影响,以及胎儿胎盘血液循环阻力和胎儿的胎动、胎心率变化情况。
METHODS Animal experiments of relieving asthma, spasmolysis, relieving cough and acute toxic test were used. 方法:采用平喘、解痉、镇咳、急性毒性等动物实验。
Echocardiographic Study on Experimental Coronary Artery Spasm and Spasmolysis 实验性冠状动脉痉挛及缓解痉挛的超声心动图研究
Methods: Dexamethasone was given the patients by intravenous, and combined to given physical reducing the temperature, sedation and spasmolysis, taking oxygen, compensation of liquid, regulation of acid-base balance, treatment and prevention of infection and well nursing and so on. 方法:采用地塞米松针剂加入液体静脉滴注,并配合物理降温、镇静止痉、脱水、给氧、扩容、纠酸、防治感染,加强护理等常规综合治疗。
The echo of intumescent appendix caecalis was also be detected in 2 cases and the result was be approved by post-operating pathology. 7 cases were normal and the symptoms were relaxed after gastrointestinal spasmolysis treatment. 2例在右下腹探及肿大的阑尾回声,并被术后病理所证实,7例超声检查无异常,经胃肠道解痉治疗后,症状缓解。
Application of intravenous morphine in spasmolysis and analgesia for senile patients after prostatectomy 静脉吗啡用于高龄病人前列腺切除术后解痉镇痛
Both groups were given conventionality treatments, involved anti-inflammatory, spasmolysis, anti-asthmatic, relieve a cough, eliminating phlegm, oxygen uptake and so on. 两组均给予常规治疗,包括抗炎、解痉、平喘、止咳、祛痰、吸氧等治疗。
According to pharmacological research and clinical observations, display Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction to improve blood circulation, spasmolysis antiinflammation analgesia effect. 根据药理研究和临床观察,发现少腹逐瘀汤有改善血液循环、解痉抗炎止痛等作用。
The chief therapy of asthma is anti-inflammation and spasmolysis for a long time. 对于哮喘的治疗,长期以来都是以抗炎、解痉为主。
At present the modern medical treatment is mainly by acetanilide, spasmolysis, composed primarily, although perlocutionary faster, but curative effect, and side effects to last, not easily by patients accepted. 目前现代医学治疗主要是以止痛、解痉、镇静为主,虽然取效较快,但疗效难以持久,且副作用大,不易被患者接受。
In many related reports, the effective components have considerable activities such as liver protection, spasmolysis, analgesia, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, etc.. 文献报道其有效成分具有保肝、解痉、镇痛、抗炎、抗病毒等药理作用。