N-COUNT 大批,一连串,一阵(尤指令人不快之物) A spate of things, especially unpleasant things, is a large number of them that happen or appear within a short period of time.
...the recent spate of attacks on horses. 最近发生的一连串袭马事件
...the current spate of scandals. 目前流传的大量谣言
PHRASE (河水)猛涨,泛滥 When a river is in spate it contains a lot more water than usual and is flowing very fast.
The Thames was in spate, with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。
Any further delay in introducing the new pay structures, Mr Vavi warned the government last month, could unleash "explosive spates of uncontrollable labour unrest across the country". Vavi上个月警告政府,要是不引入新的工资结构,将会导致“全国范围内不可控制的劳工动荡暴发”。
Hi-tech equipment will be used to track boxes that go missing, a Royal Mail spokesman said, adding: 'Theft of post boxes is relatively rare but there are spates involving individuals or gangs. 皇家邮政的发言人表示,将利用高科技设备追踪丢失的邮筒,并补充说:邮筒盗窃的行为相对还是比较少的,但确实有着个人或是团伙实施的一连串偷盗事件。