Ornamental plant of Middle East cultivated for its dark purple spathe. 生长于中东的一种观赏性植物,目的是观赏其暗紫色的佛烟苞。
South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix. 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南非种植植物。
Malodorous tropical plant having a spathe that resembles the corolla of a morning glory and attains a diameter of several feet. 有恶臭味的热带植物,具有一个类似于牵牛花花冠的佛焰苞其直径达几英尺。
Plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries. 一种生长在温带湿地和沼泽地的植物,其小的、微绿的花部分被一个白色佛焰苞包裹,其浆果呈红色。
Common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries. thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction. 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色。顶端带有易燃物的木棒或纸棒。
The Study on Blossom Ornamental Period of Dual-purpose Peach Varieties ornamental plant of Middle East cultivated for its dark purple spathe. 观食两用桃品种(系)花观赏期的研究生长于中东的一种观赏性植物,目的是观赏其暗紫色的佛烟苞。
Any plant of the genus Alocasia having large showy basal leaves and boat-shaped spathe and reddish berries. 海芋属中的任何一种植物,具有艳丽的基叶,船形的佛焰苞和微红的浆果。
It can induced PAL gene expression and promote the synthesis of anthocyanins and flavonoids of Anthurium andraeanum spathe by ethephon. 乙烯利处理红掌佛焰苞,诱导PAL基因表达,促进花色苷和总黄酮的含量的增加。