The Function of Situated-Problem-Based Instruction ( SPBI) on Students 'Mathematical Cognition 情境问题教学对学生数学认知的作用研究
Getting into Situated Problem Based Instruction ( SPBI): Discussing from Two Cases 走进情境问题教学(SPBI)从两则案例谈起
SPBI membranes only show a proton conductivity in the order of magnitude of 10-3 S/ cm, owing to the interaction between the sulfonic acid and imidazole moieties. sPBI膜80oC下的电导率数量级仅为10-3S/cm,这是磺酸基团与咪唑环的相互作用所致。
SPBI polymers show a trend that the water uptake and swelling decrease with increasing temperatures, which is anormal in comparison with the reported phenomena. 但sPBI的吸水率和溶胀率表现出随温度增高而减小的趋势,这一结果与文献报道的规律相反。