The% 03d is a printf-style format specifier. 03d是printf风格的格式说明符。
The primary security duty of a requirements specifier is to identify at a high level the core security model for the application. 对需求最主要的安全责任是为应用程序定义一个高水平的核心安全模型。
A process that only reads from this shared memory uses the read_only specifier for access. 只从共享内存读取数据的进程使用readonly指示符。
There are two remaining things to parse: the time specifier, which is the first argument after the options, and the message, which is any remaining arguments. 还剩下两项内容需要解析:时间说明符,它是选项后的第一个参数,以及消息,消息是剩余的参数。
The locale setting will cause the% ls format specifier in printf to call the wcsrtombs() function in order to convert the wide character argument string into the locale-dependent multi-byte encoding. 语言环境设置会导致printf中的%ls格式说明符调用wcsrtombs()函数以便于将宽字符的参数字符串转换成依赖语言环境的多字节编码。
An Access Specifier declares a level of access to a function or method. AccessSpecifier声明了访问一个函数或者方法的级别。
To effectively integrate PBR with RUP, we elaborate new scenarios corresponding to the actors in the RUP's Requirements discipline: System Analyst, Requirements Specifier, and Software Architect. 为了有效地整合PBR和RUP,我们在RUP的需求规程中精心制作了新的与参与者相应的场景:系统分析师,需求阐释员和软件构架师。
If the probe specifier of the module part of tuple is not specified, the probe is applicable for all modules linked to the application. 如果在探测指定语句中没有指定模块部分,探测就应用于与这个应用程序链接的所有模块。
If you include a precision specifier for a string output ( such as "%. 10s"), then you can protect against buffer overflows by specifying the maximum length of the output. 如果指定字符串输出的精确指定符(比如%.10s),那么您就能够通过指定输出的最大长度来防止缓冲区溢出。
Note that the= and:= operators are different in Ceylon: you use the= specifier only for immutable values, whereas variable assignment is performed with the:= operator. 注意,在Ceylon中=和:=操作符是不同的:=只用于指定不可变的值,而用:=操作符则可以执行变量赋值。
For example, the artifact Software Requirements Specification ( SRS) is owned by the Requirements Specifier. 例如,软件需求规格说明书(SRS)工件是需求详细说明人负责的。
Otherwise, one requirements specifier might mistakenly think that another was documenting requirements for a certain area, and crucial requirements areas might slip through the cracks. 否则,一个需求说明者可能错误地认为另一个人正在编写一个特定区域的需求文档,至关重要的需求区域就可能从缝隙中漏掉。
The third argument read_write is the access specifier of the shared memory object. 第三个参数readwrite是共享内存对象的访问指示符。
Traversal string: The ':' delimiter is only valid as a parameter-name specifier in a parameter list. 遍历字符串:分隔符:仅在作为参数列表中参数名的指定符时才有效。
Important: Marking the class as exported with the__declspec ( dllexport) specifier tells the compiler to attempt to export everything that is related to the class. 重要事项:使用declspec(dllexport)来指定类导出来告诉编译器来尝试导出任何和类相关的东西。
The specifier shall specify the pickling method as appropriate. 指定人应适当说明酸洗方法。
Separate specifier names with a space. 用空格分开修饰符名。
The "bundle base name" is the name of the bundle file minus the locale specifier and extension ( in the example above, the bundle base name is messages). “绑定包的名称”是绑定包文件的名称减去语言环境符号和扩展名(在上面的示例中,绑定包的名称是DE>messagesDE>)。
Syntax error, bad array declarator. To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier 语法错误,错误的数组声明符。若要声明托管数组,秩说明符应位于变量标识符之前
The type specifier holds the data type of the object being saved. 类型说明符保留所保存对象的数据类型。
The name specifier in the tag that precedes the comments; 注释前边的标记中的名称说明符;
If you want the final formatted value to have a minus sign, you should explicitly include the minus sign as part of the custom format specifier. 如果您希望格式化后的最终值带有负号,则应明确包含负号,让它作为自定义格式说明符的组成部分。
Explicit initialization is not permitted with multiple variables declared with a single type specifier. 不允许通过用单个类型说明符声明多个变量来进行显式初始化。
Array type specifier, [], must appear before parameter name 数组类型说明符[]必须出现在参数名之前
By this way, we can use the tools supporting Object-Z to validate and verify the system properties described by UML class diagrams, and also facilitate the specifier to construct the Object-Z specification. 这样不仅可以通过支持Object-Z语言的工具来对UML语言描述的系统性质进行验证和确认,而且能够帮助规格说明人员方便地构造Object-Z规格说明。
This paper describes the foundation, citation, management of package, also analyses the influence produced by java access specifier, classpath environmental variables and jar command to use the package. 本文从建立包、引用包和管理包等方面进行论述,分析了类作用域修饰符,classpath环境变量以及jar命令对使用包产生的影响。