By contrast, the text-processing hardware requirements are negligible and can be run on the same machine without affecting the performance of the speech-recognition processing. 相比之下,文本处理的硬件要求微不足道,并且可以在同一台计算机上运行,而不会影响语音识别处理的性能。
For each line of speech-recognition text output by the Hello World modified code, build separate arrays of letters and numbers only. 对于修改后的HelloWorld代码输出的每行语音识别文本,构建只有字母和数字的独立数组。
The Carnegie Mellon University Sphinx project creates open source speech-recognition tools for developers and users. 卡内基梅隆大学的Sphinx项目为开发人员和用户创建了开源语音识别工具。
Prior to his position at Apple, he was an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University, where he developed the world's first speaker-independent continuous speech-recognition system. 在加入苹果公司之前,李开复博士是卡内基梅隆大学的助理教授,他开发出了世界上第一个“非特定人连续语音识别”系统。
Corporations and research labs began working at a feverish pace to bring advanced speech-recognition technology into mainstream marketplace at an affordable price. 公司和研究室开始从事的一步带来兴奋的进步的语言辨认科技以有能力负担的价格进入市场的主流。
The Research of Speech-Recognition and the Basic Realization 语音识别技术的研究及基本实现
Hardware Designation of a Real-time Chinese Speech-Recognition System 一个实时汉语语音识别系统的硬件设计
This paper proposes a new approach for fast gaussian computing based on the embedded speech-recognition implementation lacking of float-point computation ability. 该文基于语音识别在缺乏浮点运算能力的嵌入式系统上的实现,给出了一种快速高斯计算的新方法。
An Inquiry into the Application of Computer Speech-Recognition System in Ship Automation 船舶自动化中应用计算机语言识别系统的探讨
Research on Speaker-Independent Continuous Figure Speech-Recognition Based on High-Dimensional Space Covering and Dynamic Scanning 一种基于高维空间覆盖动态搜索方法的非特定人连续数字语音识别的研究