In 2010, he returned back to the speedway, and everybody was very happy and excited to see him back. 2010年,他重新回到了赛车跑道,每个人都为他的回来感到高兴。
Construction Technology for Arch Rib of Deformed Steel Arch Bridge in Guangzhou ─ Wuzhou Highway Tube cave detecting method and its using in guangwu speedway 广梧高速公路异型钢拱桥拱肋施工技术管波探测法在广梧高速公路灰岩区桥梁桩基工程中的应用
I enjoy going to speedway. 我喜欢到赛道上去。
SHENGFENG lies speedway fortress between the GuanZhou and the ShenZhen, again the adjacent freight transportation port, land-and-water transportation is very convenient. 位于东莞市万江新和夏塘工业区,地处广深公路要塞地段,毗邻货运港口,水陆交通十分方便。
Neatening, Checking and Acceptation of Construction Data of Gushan Tunnel in Jiao-Jin Speedway 焦晋高速公路孤山隧道施工资料整理与验收
I was at altamont speedway in'69. 我在特蒙69高速公路。
Many buildings in the city were demolished to make room for the speedway. 为了给高速公路腾出空来,那个城市拆毁了许多建筑物。
Jeff: Koman's miracle was created on a speedway in Massachusetts in1997. 杰夫:科曼的这项奇迹是在1997年马萨诸塞州的一条高速公路上创造的。
Get Speedway Master today and play with your friends everywhere for fun. 从今天开始你就可以和好朋友们随时随地的进行高速竞技的游戏了。
Research on Speedway Lane Detection System Based on CMOS Camera 基于CMOS摄像头的高速路车道识别系统的研究
And Jinghu railway, Huning speedway, Jinghang Canal are all near at hand. 京沪铁路、沪宁高速公路、京杭大运河都近在咫尺。
The highlight of the day was stopping at Bonneville Salt Flats International Speedway. 最突出的一天是停在巴纳维亚盐带平地国际赛道。
Tell them to hold on until the speedway races. 请让他们坚持到高速公路赛事以后。
According to the area and economic characters in developed areas, and combining the traffic speciality of road networks, mis paper ascertains the aim and function of speedway tolling; 本文针对发达地区的区域特征和经济特征,结合路网的交通流特性,确定高速公路的收费目的和职能;
Priestley was close to death after the worst crash ever seen on the Kentucky auto racing speedway. 事发后翌日,他对所发生的实况却一无所知。
The company is located by the seaside of East China Sea, at the foot of beautiful Yang Dan Mount., close to104 national highway, and at the crossing of speedway. 公司位于东海之滨,风景秀丽的雁荡山麓104国道边,高速公路口,宏伟的温州大桥把公司与温州市区、温州机场、温州火车站连接在一起交通非常便利。
You will enjoy the good effects when it is utilized in traffic, railroad, speedway, navigation and aviation fields. 您会欣赏了良好的效果时,它是利用在交通,铁路,高速公路,航海和航空领域。
MEAN GREEN MACHINE: An ultracapacitor-equipped Toyota Supra HV-R coupe was the only hybrid to win the24-hour endurance race held at Japan's Tokachi International Speedway. 低档绿色机车:装备着终极电容器的丰田超级HV-R小汽车,是赢得在日本十胜国际赛车场举行的24小时耐久赛冠军的唯一的混合动力汽车。
The intensity and stability of high liquid limit clay are not enough strong to be roadbed of speedway. 高液限粘土作为高速公路路基,其强度和稳定性都不能满足工程要求。
There are a large number of rock-slope stabilization problems in speedway construction in the middle and west China. 中西部高速公路建设遇有大量的岩石边坡稳定问题。
The paper introduces video intelligent transportation system and its application in toll-gate system of SuJiaHang speedway. 论文介绍了视频智能交通系统以及它在苏嘉杭高速公路系统中的应用。
Since the Berne Pledge and the World Copyright Convention, copyright trade in China has developed on a speedway. 自加入伯尔尼公约和世界版权公约以来,中国的版权贸易发展驶入了历史的快车道。
In the end, this conclusion can be used to practice of roadbed engineering of speedway. 最终把得到的结论应用于高速公路路基处理的工程实践。
The text indicates the detection procedure of powder spray pile at the Husui speedway. 简述了呼绥高速公路粉喷桩的检测过程。
So, study and discuss problem consist in low embankment speedway on soft foundation, and set up method to forecast and calculate settlement after construction, it would have many practical meaning to develop road construction in our country. 因此,研究和探讨软土地基上的低路堤高等级公路存在的问题,准确的预测和计算由于交通荷载作用下地基的沉降,对我国快速发展的公路交通建设具有重要的实际意义。
At last the thesis studies three tapping mode on the economy strip of the speedway. 并一般性地研究了高速公路经济带开发的三种模式。
As the artery of economy development, construction success or failure and development pace of speedway will directly affect tempo and integration strength. 高速公路作为经济发展的动脉,它的建设成败和开发速度直接影响一个企业、一个地区、甚至一个国家的发展速度和综合实力。
The technology has been used more and more in the vehicle management, speedway charging system and automation intendance system. 车牌识别技术的发展迅速,已经广泛的应用在车辆管理、高速公路收费系统和公路自动化监督系统中。
Based on the speedway construction project in Guizhou province, this paper studies new material and technology used for slope treatment, the main contents are as follows: ( 1) A new grouting material is developed to strengthen the anchoring capability of prestressed anchors. 论文结合贵州省山区高速公路建设项目,研究用于边坡治理的新材料和新技术,主要开展了以下几方面的研究工作:(1)研制开发了增强预应力锚索锚固力和耐久性的新型灌浆材料。