Anchor wires should have a Spelter type socket at anchor side. 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头。
In some cases it may be necessary to connect metal surfaces by means of a hard spelter solder which fuses at hight temperature. 某些情况下有必要用一种高熔融温度的强锌焊料来连接金属表面。
The Effect of the Thermal Input on the IMC Morphologies in Sn-Ag Based Composite Solder Matrix; spelter brazing alloy 热输入对锡银基复合钎料基体中金属间化合物形态的影响铜锌基硬钎焊料合金
The article presents the two-level computer control system which makes use of soft-sensing techniques to inspect the controlled objects and monitors the flux of corrosive high-temperature spelter. 介绍了一种利用软测量检测被控量构成的两级计算机控制系统,对具有腐蚀性的高温粗锌液流量实现监控;
All of which will offer automatism control of gas flux, flux of spelter liquid and temperature of venting fumes in combustion chamber assort of referenced basis. 这为铅塔燃烧室的煤气流量、粗锌流量以及排烟温度等自动控制提供了一种可供参考的依据。