For example, think of SPEM as the process engineering metamodel. 例如,可以将SPEM视为流程工程元模型。
IT vendors and open-source initiatives provide tools to support creation of process documentation following the SPEM standard. IT商人和开放源动机提供了工具,以支持遵循SPEM标准的过程文件的创建。
Software Process Engineering Metamodel ( SPEM) is the standard specification that formally describes the software development processes. 软件流程工程元模型(SoftwareProcessEngineeringMetamodel,SPEM)是正式描述软件开发流程的的标准规范。
There is an industry best practice standard ( SPEM) for what constitutes a good process, and Rational Method Composer is based on SPEM. 对于每一个构成一个良好过程的部分,都会有一个最佳的行业实践标准(SPEM),而RationalMethodComposer正是建立在SPEM的基础之上。
Key standards are introduced, such as SPEM, UML, or RAS. 另外还介绍了主要的标准,如SPEM、UML和RAS。
A Conceptual Model of Software Measurement ( CMMP) which based on Software Process Engineering Meta-model ( SPEM) and integrated with existing process model is offered. 建立了一个软件度量的概念模型CMMP,它基于软件过程工程元模型(SPEM),可与现有的过程模型有效地集成。
Solid Polymer Electrolyte Membrane ( for short SPEM) is a kind of polymer material which can conduct ion just like liquid electrolyte. 固体聚合物电解质膜(SolidPolymerElectrolyteMembrane),简称SPEM,是指本身呈现固态却能像液态电解质一样传导离子的一类高分子膜材料。
This paper presents a software process metamodel for CMM based on SPEM ( software process engineering metamodel), named SPM-CMM. 通过分析CMM软件过程,给出了面向CMM的软件过程工程元模型SPEM的扩展策略,提出了一个基于SPEM的CMM软件过程元模型&SPM-CMM。
A SPEM-Based Software Process Metamodel for CMM 基于SPEM的CMM软件过程元模型
Scientific visualization is studied systemically. A new method for plotting colored patterns of finite element results called SPEM ( Scan Parent Element Method) is described. 系统研究了有限元数据场的可视化技术,提出了一种画有限元数据场彩色云图的新方法&扫描母元法。
Based on the SPEM, this paper develops another new model of heat transfer between the bed and the immersed horizontal tube. 在此基础上,进一步提出并发展了流化床与水平浸入管间传热的数学模型。
Relationship between SPEM Dysfunction and Cognitive Performance in Schizophrenia 精神分裂症患者SPEM异常与认知功能的相关性研究
The Status and Effect of Object-Oriented Software Process SPEM Model 面向对象的软件过程SPEM模型的地位与作用