The economy is enmeshed not in a virtuous circle but in a vicious one, in which weak consumer spending helps restrain American companies from hiring, which in turn means fewer Americans at work generating spendable income, and so on. 经济没有进入一个良性循环,而是陷入了恶性循环。消费支出的疲弱限制了美国公司的招聘,这反过来意味着能够产生可支配收入的就业美国人口减少,以此类推。
Banks are also closely watched because of their power to create money in the form of readily spendable deposits by making loans and investments. 对银行密切监管的另一个重要原因是,银行有创造货币的权力,而这些货币通过贷款和投资就可以直接放出。
Spendable money is better off spent. 能用的钱最好还是用光。
Knowledge and information, as the strategic resources in the era of knowledge economy, contrarily, are sharable and almost infinitely spendable, which makes the generation, evolution and wide acceptance of all-win thinking possible. 而作为知识经济时代战略资源的知识和信息,具有可共享性与利用的无限性,这为共赢思维的产生、发展和实践,提供了客观的可行性基础。
The ratio of the balance of financial institution loan to GDP is set as an index to measure the development of financial intermediations; meanwhile, the ratio of urban residents 'spendable income to rural residents' net income is used as the measure of income inequality. 选取金融机构贷款余额与GDP的比值作为衡量金融中介发展的指标;城镇居民实际可支配收入与农村居民实际纯收入的比值作为衡量城乡收入差距的指标。