The infrared technology for testing blood oxygen saturation, sphygmus is reported in this paper. 本文报导了用于检测人体血液血氧饱和度、脉搏等参量的红外探测技术,给出的基本理论计算方法。
The electrocardiogram ( ECG)、 blood pressure ( BP)、 sphygmus and blood oxygensaturation ( SO_2) are the most fundamental bio-indicators of human beings. 心电、血压、脉搏和血氧等生理参数是人体最重要、最基本的生命指征。
This paper contains only two physiological parameters: sphygmus and body temperature, so two function modules have been contained in this prototype. 在本课题中暂时只设计了监护脉搏和体温两个生理参数,所以监护服原型只包含两个功能模块。