(常指招徕生意的)叫卖词,推销套话 Someone's spiel is a well-prepared speech that they make, and that they have usually made many times before, often in order to persuade you to buy something.
After his spiel, at most such sessions, around 20 such kids get up and pitch their ideas. 每次演讲结束后,都有20个左右的大学生自告奋勇地提出他们的创意。
I'm gonna tell you a better story about captivity than the regular old spiel. 我不跟你们说这些陈词滥调了,换一个关于禁锢的故事同你们说说。
The spiel of PR company rainmakers is that PR delivers public esteem more efficiently than advertisements. 按照公关公司的说法,与广告相比,公关能以更高效率为企业赢得公众的尊敬。
The Spiel des Jahres ( Game of the Year), the most prestigious award for board and card games, is awarded annually by a jury of German game critics. 德国游戏年度大奖是桌上游戏和卡牌游戏领域最珍贵的奖项,它每年由一个德国评审团评选并颁发。
The salesman gave a long spiel about why we should buy his product. 推销员口若悬河,说我们应该买他的东西。
The American gave a long spiel about how the Chinese foreign trade corporations needed to improve the packaging of their export goods if they wanted to increase their sales. 那位美方发言人发表了一通高谈阔论,大讲中国外贸企业如果想增加销量,就必须改进出口产品的包装。
He gave a long spiel about life insurance. 他滔滔不绝地讲人寿保险。
He can dish out a memorized spiel Well, the Japs haven't done that, have they? 嗯,日本人还没使出这一招,对吗?
He made a speech straight off the reel without stumbling over a word. The salesman gave a long spiel about why we should buy his product. 他口若悬河,一字不顿地发表了演讲。推销员口若悬河,说我们应该买他的东西。
Has he delivered his spiel yet? 他发表了他那篇充斥陈词滥调的演说没有?
We let the time-share salesman give us his opening spiel, but when he got to the high-pressure sales tactics, we cut him short and made it clear that we were not interested. 我们让分时旅游的推销员开始他滔滔不绝的开场白,但当他采取高压式的销售战术时,我们清楚地表达了我们并无意愿,并同时阻止他继续说下去。
I didn't think that you'd fall for the spiel. 我想你不会上这种陈词套话的当的。
I made my spiel about how I could add to this company ( Carl Icahn) 我对自己将如何为这个公司作贡献作了冗长的论述(卡尔伊卡恩)
Prototype semantics ( PS) originated from Wittgenstein's description of the family resemblance of the semantic category of "Spiel" ( game). 原型语义学源于维特根斯坦对“游戏”语义范畴的家族相似性的描述。
From Entertainment To Search For Truth& Try to Explore the Motive Power of Spiel Theory of Western Aesthetic 从娱乐到寻找真理&试探西方美学游戏说的发展动力