A plant of the genus Agrimony having spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers. 龙牙草属的一种植物,有黄色小花组成的穗状花串。
Tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes; warm regions. 一个高大的禾本属,具穗状的总状花序,一年或多年生;产于温暖地区。
Mediterranean woody annual widely cultivated for its dense terminal spikelike clusters greenish or yellowish white flowers having an intense spicy fragrance. 地中海地区一年生木头状植物,种植广泛,有稠密的顶生带淡绿或淡黄色的白色花串,香味浓烈。
Commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium. 欧洲南部一种无树枝,拥有大钉状花穗(兰色、紫色或粉红色)的飞燕草;有时归于毛莨科。
Erect European herb with creeping rootstocks and nodding spikelike racemes of blue to violet flowers. 挺直的欧洲草本植物,有爬行的根状茎和蓝紫色花组成的总状花序。