Any of various deciduous, spineless shrubs of the genus ribes, native chiefly to the northern hemisphere and having flowers in racemes and edible, variously colored berries. 醋栗任一种主要产于北半球的茶子属落叶无刺灌木,开有总状花序的花朵,结可食用的且色彩多样的浆果。
Even South Africa, whose spineless president, Thabo Mbeki, is still refusing to criticise Mr Mugabe outright, has begun to turn against him. 甚至连南非都开始反对他了,南非总统塔博·姆贝基是个软弱的家伙,他一直拒绝直率的批评穆加贝先生。
My supervisor is a spineless person. He never stands behind his decisions. 我的主管是一个没骨气的人。他不敢为他做的决定负责。
Because you look like a spineless sea slug, that's why. 那是因为你是一个没有骨气的海虫。
He's boring and spineless. 他又无聊又没骨气。
It is hard to imagine that a person does not have a spine, but spiritually some people are indeed spineless. 人没有脊骨是不可想象的,不过精神上有些人确实没有脊骨。
Dreams of us together, then I was spineless laugh awake. 梦到我们在一起了,然后我就很没有骨气的笑醒了。
He's too spineless to ask for more money. 他没有勇气要求更多的钱。
She was a weak and spineless creature. 她是个软弱而没有骨气的人。
The spineless diplomacy demonstrated at Munich, and more recently in Paris and New York, achieves nothing. 在慕尼黑,还有更近些的巴黎、纽约的软骨头外交什么也没有得到。
In answering these questions, spineless non-executive directors would be discouraged from fudging answers by the promise of a prison sentence should they fail to be candid. 为了防止没有脊梁骨的非执行董事捏造答案,不妨立法规定,如果他们没有坦诚回答,就可能面临牢狱之灾。
He was a weak and spineless creature. 他是个软弱、没有骨气的家伙。
Chueh-hsin became a man with a split personality. In the old society, in the midst of his old-fashioned family, he was a spineless, supine Young Master; 于是他变成了一个有两重人格的人:在旧社会里,在旧家庭里他是一个暮气十足的少爷;
He was a yellow gutless worm; a spineless craven fellow. 他是个胆小的、没勇气的可怜虫;一个软弱、胆小的家伙。
You pathetic, spineless fools. 你们这些可悲的、软弱的傻瓜。
Stabilising world population should be the number-one priority and yet the politicians are "too spineless" to talk about such a thorny issue. 稳住世界人口应当是头等大事,但政客们“太过懦弱”,不敢谈论这样一个有争议的问题。
A small spineless globe-shaped cactus; source of mescal buttons. 小型无刺的球状仙人掌;威廉斯仙人球花之源。
How come a spineless sea squirt like you has a date. 像你这样的海鞘怎么还会有人和你谈恋爱。
Instead of answering, Alice spies a white rabbit dressed rather nattily and decides to leave the spineless son of a lord behind and follow the rabbit down a hole at the base of a large tree. 爱丽丝没有做出答复,她看见了一只穿着整洁的白兔,于是决定把爵爷那个没骨气的儿子抛在一边,跟着那只兔子滑进了大树根下的洞穴。
You spineless* soulless son of a bitch. 你个没骨气、无情无义的混蛋!
The heroine of Chinese literature back to the original identity has completely lost the courage when disguising as a man and gone back to the spineless woman. 中国文学的女主人公一旦回到原来的身份就完全失去男装时的胆识,又回到懦弱无力的女人。