So, language is this communal set of rumors spiritualized by its very vagueness and shared quality. 因此,语言以其模棱两可的特性,营造出这种精神化的谣传的公社氛围。
Nevertheless, that dream is spiritualized. 然而,这种想法是精神化的。
I don't want her spiritualized, exalted, glorified, celestial. 我不希望她变得灵性化、崇高化,变得光荣非凡,超凡脱俗。
Drug craving refers to drug abusers 'un-inhibitory yearn for the spiritualized material effect, which they used to experience. 药物渴求是药物滥用者对过去体验过的精神活性物质效应的一种难以克制的渴望。
Enlightenment was a course in which human subject was gradually spiritualized and the natural world was gradually objectified. 启蒙的过程就是人类主体不断精神化和自然不断被客观化的过程。