Correlational Study of Staggered Spondaic Word Test 交错扬扬格词试验及其相关因素研究
Objective: To study the effects of central auditory function in hearing and speech rehabilitation and investigstethe relation between hearing aids fitting and Staggered Spondaic Word ( SSW) test. 目的:探讨听觉中枢功能状态对听力语言康复的影响,分析交错扬扬格词试验在助听器选配中的作用。
The staggered spondaic word test and the competing sentence test in Chinese: A normative investigation of Chinese test material 交错扬扬格词试验和竞争语句试验:测试材料的编录和正常值
Staggered spondaic word test for programmable hearing aids fitting 交错扬扬格词试验与程控助听器选配