Analysis on clinical characteristics and pathogenic factors of cervical spondylopathy in youth and evaluation of it's depression state 手法治疗青年颈椎病疗效以及抑郁状况评价的临床对照研究
Methods: 30 patients of Vertebroarterial cervical spondylopathy were treated by traction Tuina and neck exercise and compare the clinical efficacy with the control group. 方法:对30例椎动脉型颈椎病患者采用牵引推拿配合颈部功能锻炼治疗,并与牵引推拿组进行疗效比较。
Objective: To seek for a more comprehensive and effective therapeutic approach for sympathetic cervical spondylopathy. 目的:探索一种更全面、有效的治疗交感神经型颈椎病的方法。
The Clinical Research of Supine Traction Treatment of Vertebroarterial Cervical Spondylopathy 仰卧位牵引治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床研究
Objective To develop a portable treatment instrument for cervical& lumbar spondylopathy. 目的:研制一种便携式颈椎及腰椎综合治疗仪。
A logistic regression analysis on the influence of risk factors on the effect of comprehensive rehabilitation therapy in treating radicular type cervical spondylopathy 影响综合康复治疗神经根型颈椎病疗效的危险因素逻辑回归分析
Treatment of 112 Cases of Cervical Spondylopathy by Acupoint Injection and Massage 穴位注射加推拿手法治疗颈椎病112例
Objective: To observe the efficacy of etidronate in the vertebral artery type of cervical spondylopathy ( VACS) with osteoporosis ( OP). 目的:观察依替膦酸钠对伴骨质疏松症的椎动脉型颈椎病的临床疗效。
In the present paper, the feasibility and the range of simple acupoint therapy for treatment of cervical spondylopathy were studied from its pathogenesis. 从神经根型颈椎病的发病机理探讨单纯使用穴位疗法是否具有可行性及其可行的范围。
The Treatment Of Spondylopathy Combined With Rheumatoid By Abdominal Acupuncture Under The Principle Of Drawing Qi To Its Origin 腹针引气归元法治疗颈椎病合并类风湿性关节炎
Conclusion The portable comprehensive treatment instrument for cervical& lumbar spondylopathy can implement intermitting heating, hyperthermia, vibratory massage and traction. 结论:便携式颈腰椎治疗仪采用间歇式加热,在牵引的功能上增加了热疗及振动按摩功能,可使治疗效果更佳。
Clinical Effects and Safety of TCM Combination Therapy on Cervical Spondylopathy of the Nerve Root Type 中医综合疗法治疗神经根型颈椎病疗效和安全性研究
Clinical Efficacy of Combined Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine for Nerve Root Cervical Spondylopathy 中西医结合治疗神经根型颈椎病80例
Conclusion: the neck exercise can decrease the recurrence rate of Vertebroarterial cervical spondylopathy. 结论:主动功能锻炼可降低复发率。
Percutaneous biopsy with CT navigation in the diagnosis of spondylopathy CT引导下经皮脊椎穿刺活检在脊柱病变诊断中的应用
Conclusion traction plus acupuncture and Massotherapy can effectively rectify abnormal cervical curvature and is closely related to the cure rate for cervical spondylopathy and the degree of cervical curvature rectification. 结论采用牵引配合针刺、推拿能有效矫正颈曲异常,且其对颈椎病的治愈率与颈曲矫正程度密切相关。
Rehabilitation and nursing care of 83 patients with nerve root type cervical spondylopathy 83例神经根型颈椎病的康复治疗和护理
His empirical presecription "Niubangzi Decoetion" was used to treat cervical spondylopathy, ischemic necrosis of femoral head and knee osteoarthritis. 介绍运用石氏家传方“牛蒡子汤”治疗颈椎病、股骨头缺血性坏死、膝骨关节炎的经验。
Results The instrument could be used for the treatment of cervical& lumbar spondylopathy and relief of some symptom. 结果:该产品可有效治疗颈椎及腰椎病,并能缓解部分不良症状。
Observation of Curative Effect after Treatment of Cervical Spondylopathy with the Artifitial Cervical Disc Prosthesis 人工颈椎间盘置换术治疗颈椎病疗效观察
Research Of Cervical Lordosis In Cervical Spondylopathy patients after Using Cervical Lordosis Adaptive Pillow Radiographic study and clinical significance about sagittal plane curves in the adjacent segments of the thoracic and lumbar spine 可调式颈曲康复枕对颈椎病患者颈生理曲度的影响X线片上胸腰椎相邻节段矢状曲度的测量及临床应用
Mechanism of "Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe" in Treating Cervical Spondylopathy of Qi Deficiency Pattern in Rats 益气化瘀补肾方对大鼠气虚型颈椎病的作用机制研究
Clinical Observation on Treatment of Cervical Spondylopathy of Nerve Root Type by Acupuncture on Lines 分线排刺治疗神经根型颈椎病疗效观察
Objective To observe the effect of treating nerve-root Spondylopathy and explore its mechanism. 目的:观察针刀为主的方法治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效并探讨其机理。
Objective: To discuss the possibility and security of cervical spondylopathy treated by knife acupuncture in the posterior approach. 目的:探讨针刀后侧入路治疗颈椎病的可行性和安全性。
Conclusions We consider this therapy is a new and effective method for treatment of cervical spondylopathy. 结论由此我们认为200Hz低频半波电流是理想的药物导入电流,是治疗颈椎病的有效疗法。
Methods: 98 patients with cervical spondylopathy were divided into traction and operation group. 方法:对98例颈椎病患者分别分牵引组和手术组进行比较研究。
Electrical stimulation motor evoked potential ( MEP) was carried out in 21 patients with myeloid type cervical spondylopathy. 对21例脊髓型颈椎病进行了电刺激运动诱发电位(MEP)测试。
Conclusions The ultraviolet ray irradiation can adjust immunity function of patients with cervical spondylopathy. 结论紫外线照射对颈椎病患者的免疫功能有促进和调节作用。
Objective: Cervical spondylopathy is common amongst middle aged and elderly people. 目的:颈椎病是中老年人的一种常见病和多发病。