But I saw the sea which had much spoondrift from the tears of my father, at the same time I saw the hope to live on and solatia of love. 从父亲那尚未流出的泪水里,我看到了生命的大海正浪花朵朵,我看到了生的理由和爱的慰藉。
The spoondrift wave of doing business had been past many years, I still persisted in catching that bus without any driver. 下海的浪花过去多少年了,我还是坚持要赶一趟无人驾驶的车。
In contrast with leeward, windward leaves faded at the top end and around, following with contents of chlorophyll and water descended, while accumulated more sodium and less calcium and magnesium but potassium contents changed little, due to the spoondrift effect. 与背风面相比,由于受到盐雾影响,迎风面叶片的叶缘或/和叶尖出现枯焦,叶绿素、含水量下降,积累更多Na和更少的Ca、Mg,而K差别不大。
In a word," Electricity of Liu "is a spoondrift which Sea Culture, Zhongyuan Culture and Western Culture agitates. 总而言之,电光刘是海洋文化、中原文化、西方文化撞击、激荡起的浪花。