The spores are liberated by rupture of the sporangium wall. 当孢子囊壁破裂时可以将其内的孢子释放出来。
( of ferns) having each sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell. (关于蕨类植物)具有由单个表皮细胞形成的孢子囊的。
( botany) of or relating to the cells in a sporangium that give rise to spores. (植物学)属于孢子细胞,或与在孢子囊里提供孢子生长的细胞有关。
Stomium ( pl. stomia) The site at which a sporangium or pollen sac ruptures to release the spores or pollen. 裂口:孢子囊或花粉囊的开裂位置,小孢子或花粉粒从中散出。
X-ray microanalysis of the element of the leaf, spore and sporangium annulus Cyatheaceae plant in China 中国桫椤科植物叶、孢子和孢子囊环带元素的X-射线微区成分分析
A1 and A2 sporangium proportion markedly affected the oospore formation quantity. A1和A2菌株中孢子囊不同比例对卵孢子产生影响很大,当比值为1∶1时卵孢子产生量最大;
Medium types affected P.capsici sporangium yield and colony grow speed and colony shape in some degree. 培养基种类影响辣椒疫霉菌菌落形态、生长速度;
Strains porcine lactobacillus, 1 strain plant lactobacillus and 4 strains sporangium bacilliform bacteria were detected the sensitivity to 32 kinds antibacterial in this test. 以6株猪源乳杆菌、1株植物乳杆菌和4株芽孢杆菌对32种抗菌药物进行了敏感性试验。
In the perennial coralloid root nodules, their alternation of generations is infectious mycelium, reproduceable mycelium, vegetative mycelium, spring sporangium and spring spore, and vesicle in spring and summer; 在多年生珊瑚状的根瘤中,它们的世代交替是:春夏季以侵染菌丝、繁殖菌丝、营养菌丝、春孢子囊及春孢子、泡囊为主;
The germination of sporangium and its invasion requires high humidity. 孢子囊的形成、弹射、萌发及侵入均需高湿。
Studies on the ultramicro structure of Bacillus thuringiensis sporangium 苏芸金芽孢杆菌孢子囊超微结构的研究
The early diagnosis symptoms of wart in potato resting bud ( incubation period) has been studied, and the detecting methods for resting sporangia in soil as well as the vitality of resting sporangium has been researched. 对马铃薯块茎休眠芽癌肿病的早期(潜伏期)诊断、土壤休眠孢子囊及其活力测定等快速检测方法与技术进行了研究并取得预期结果。
Metalaxyl could significantly inhibit the mycelial growth and sporangium formation, however, it had no inhibitory effect against zoospore cyst germination and sporangium ( germination.) 甲霜灵对菌丝生长和孢子囊形成有显著的抑制作用,但对休止孢和孢子囊萌发基本无影响;