A New World fern ( Osmunda cinnamomea) having narrow, spore-bearing, cinnamon-colored leaves in early spring, which are later encircled by wider, sterile green leaves. 桂皮紫萁,普通肉桂蕨:新大陆的一种蕨(分株紫萁紫萁属),早春时有狭长的、带孢子的肉桂色叶子,稍晚为较宽的不育的绿色叶子所包围。
"Cup fungus: any of various ascomycetous fungi, especially of the family pezizaceae, characterized by a spore-bearing structure that is often stalkless and cup-shaped or disk-shaped." “盘菌:任一种子囊菌纲真菌,尤指盘菌科真菌,其特征为有一个胚状结构,通常无柄并成杯状或盘状。”
Fructification A seed-or spore-bearing structure. The term is used especially for the aerial fruiting bodies of fungi, e.g. mushrooms. 子实体,果实:产生种子或孢子的结构,该术语尤其适用于真菌的气生结实体(子实体),如蘑菇。
Any of several spore-bearing aquatic or marsh plants having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves; worldwide except Polynesia. 长有多孢子和羽状叶片的水生或沼泽生植物;广泛分布于除波利尼西亚以外的广大地区。
A fungus of the genus boletus, having an umbrella-shaped cap with spore-bearing tubules on the underside and including both edible and poisonous species. 牛肝菌属真菌,有底面长有孢生小管的伞状冠,分为食用和有毒两大类。
Moreover, host plant can also affect the growth and development of AM fungi, and produce different infection rate 、 spore-bearing rate and mycorrhiza effect. 宿主植物也影响着AM真菌生长和发育,不同的宿主植物会影响AM真菌的侵染率、产孢量以及菌根效应。
The microstructure of the lamella hymenia, spore-bearing mycelia, the filaments and "powdery" hyphae of the uninucleate and dicaryophytic hyphae were also described in detail. 以及菌褶子实层、单核菌丝、双核菌丝中的丝状菌丝、粉状菌丝和产孢菌丝团的显微构造;
These strains were characterized by fast growth hypha, early sporulation time, high spore-bearing yields and high virulence to host. 3. 这些优良菌株均表现出菌丝生长迅速,产孢时间早,产孢能力强,对寄主害虫毒力强等特点。