The EST enzyme activity was higher in the sporophyll than that in the stems and leaves. 孢子叶EST酶活力要较茎和叶的酶活力强很多,3种裙带菜孢子叶中EST酶活力相同。
Peroxidase ( POD) and esterase ( EST) isoenzymes were analysed in sporophyll, stem and leaf in three populations ( native, Japanese and half-bred) of sea mustard Undaria pinnatifida by electrophoresis. 对3个不同养殖群体裙带菜Undariapinnatifida(本地裙带菜、日本裙带菜、自育裙带菜)的孢子叶、茎和叶不同部位的过氧化物酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)进行了同工酶电泳分析。
It was expressed ubiquitously in many organs, such as rhizoid, stem, leave and sporophyll. However, the highest expression was detected in the sporophyll, which was a reproductive organ. 在裙带菜假根、茎、叶片、孢子叶等各组织器官中表达较为广泛,但在生殖器官孢子叶中相对表达量最高。