The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play. 该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。
We identify sportsmanship with good character. 我们认为体育道德与良好品质是一致的。
We must give a good account of ourselves and display fine sportsmanship as well. 要赛出水平,也要赛出风格。
President Bush said Team USA amazed the world with its talent, grace and sportsmanship. 布什说美国代表队以其才能、风度以及运动员的精神征服了全世界。
Good coaches provide athletes with positive experiences in sports participation and help nurture sportsmanship. 优秀的教练能使运动员在参与过程中得到正确体验,培养良好的体育精神。
Tactics, fitness, stroke ability, adaptability, experience, and sportsmanship are all necessary for winning. 策略、健康、适应力、经验和体育精神都是成功的必要条件。
He not only fought for the glory for the motherland, but also showed good sportsmanship. 他不仅为祖国争取了荣耀,而且,同样地,他也展现出了良好的运动精神。
By contrast, the current German side is applauded for its flair and its sportsmanship. 相比之下,如今的德国国家队因才华和运动员精神而备受赞誉。
The psychology of poor sportsmanship is something that generally comes up in the context of child athletes. 这个糟糕的运动员心理道德通常与运动员儿时的成长环境有关。
In the true spirit of sportsmanship for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams. 以真正的运动精神来争取运动的荣耀和团队的光荣。
They stood and applauded the gesture of sportsmanship as Darius made his way back to his bench. 当达利斯走回场外长凳时,约翰特尔和他的球友们都站了起来,为达利斯展现的运动精神鼓掌喝彩。
In the name of all the judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship. 我以全体裁判员和官员的名义保证,以真正的运动道德精神执行我们在本届奥林匹克运动会的职务,尊重并遵守运动会各类运动的规则。
Former players like David Robinson Magic Johnson continue to command respect for their personal integrity and unparalleled sportsmanship. 像大卫·罗宾逊和魔术强森等已退休的球员,因为个人的崇高道德和无人能比的运动精神而依然受人尊敬。
She is a model athlete who plays hard but always shows good sportsmanship. 她是个模范运动员,认真竞赛同时始终保持良好的体育道德。
Some commentators say the American emphasis on winning at all costs is undermining sportsmanship and good manners. 有些评论家认为,美国人强调要不惜一切代价赢得比赛,因而损害了运动员的道德和良好举止;
One man practicing sportsmanship is better than a hundred teaching it. 一个人实练运动员的精神比教导百次还好。
He believed in manners and decency and sportsmanship. 他崇尚礼仪、端庄和运动家品格。
During the competition, all the players performed very well and displayed fine sportsmanship. 在比赛中,所有的运动员都发挥了水平,表现出了良好的体育道德。
He can always take a defeat with true sportsmanship. 他总是能够很有风度地接受失败。
English school-boys often show this sense of sportsmanship to a surprisingly high degree in their relations with each other. 英国的男生常常在相互交往中把这种运动家精神表现的淋漓尽致。
Teaching children the importance of good sportsmanship can help develop good character. 教育孩子运动精神的重要性有助于培养他们的良好性格。
She admits that the Chinese players, the best table tennis players in the world, demonstrated host-country sportsmanship and let the Americans win some. 她承认世界上最优秀的中国乒乓球运动员表现了东道国良好的体育精神,让美国球员赢了一些比赛。
Kids learn values such as cooperation, fair competition, camaraderie and sportsmanship, plus, they're fun! 孩子学习价值观等合作、公平竞争、友情和体育道德,再加上欢乐!
In addition, they can instill a sense of sportsmanship and fair play in young people that will be useful in all their future endeavors. 此外,游戏可以灌输给年轻人运动家精神以及公平比赛的观念,而这些观念在他们未来努力的过程中是很有用的。
Sportsmanship is the first thing one has to learn when playing sports, at any level. 无论从事何种水平的运动,运动员首先要学的就是体育精神。
Sports are still an important part of Greek life and, by giving us the Olympics, the Greeks have had a tremendous influence on world sports and sportsmanship. 体育运动仍然是希腊人生活的重要部分。希腊人通过奥运会对全世界的体育运动和体育精神产生了重大的影响。
Sports can show sportsmen's strength, speed, skill and sportsmanship. 体育运动能够显示运动员的力量、速度、技巧和体育风格。
Parents can help their kids understand that good sportsmanship includes both small gestures and heroic efforts. 父母能帮助他们的小孩好运动家精神包括小的手势和英勇的努力。
Johnson's poor sportsmanship does not sit well with the coach. 约翰逊不守运动道德,教练对此不以为然。
The sportsmanship and camaraderie among members makes even the best foreign players feel at home. 会员之间的体育精神和同志情谊让外籍球员有宾至如归的感觉。