Can effectively kill various germs, virus, sporule, and parasites in water, prevent fish disease, prevent algae to breed, and purify the water. 能有效杀灭水中多种细菌、病毒、孢子、寄生虫等有害物种,降低鱼的发病率,防止藻类滋生,净化水质。
Watermelon blast fungus sporule suspension cultured in two kinds of medium was inoculated to watermelon seedlings separately. 将两种培养基中培养的西瓜枯萎病菌孢子悬浮液分别采用灌根法、浸根法和蘸胚根法进行接种试验。
The Effect on the Distill of Amylose in Glossy Ganoderma Sporule Powder Treated with Ultrasonic and Thawing and Freezing Test of Liquid Nitrogen 超声-液氮冻融处理对灵芝孢子粉多糖提取的影响