
英 [spaʊts] 美 [spaʊts]

n.  (容器的)嘴; (喷出的)水柱,液体柱
v.  喷出; 喷射; 喷水; 滔滔不绝地说; 喋喋不休地说


  1. V-ERG 喷出;涌出
    If something spouts liquid or fire, or if liquid or fire spout out of something, it comes out very quickly with a lot of force.
    1. He replaced the boiler when the last one began to spout flames...
    2. The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air...
      主广场有个喷泉,能将水喷射至 40 英尺高的空中。
    3. In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.
  2. (迅速喷出的)液流,水柱
    A spout of liquid is a long stream of it which is coming out of something very forcefully.
    1. VERB 喋喋不休地说;夸夸其谈
      If you say that a person spouts something, you disapprove of them because they say something which you do not agree with or which you think they do not honestly feel.
      1. He used his column to spout ill-informed criticism of the Scots rugby team.
      2. You're the kind of person who affiliates himself with the kind of crap they spout.
      3. Spout forth and spout off mean the same as spout .
        spout forth 和 spout off 同 spout
      4. ...an estate agent spouting forth about houses...
      5. All too often he is spouting off about matters which should not concern him.
    2. 容器嘴;喷嘴;喷口
      A spout is a long, hollow part of a container through which liquids can be poured out easily.
      1. PHRASE 错误的;出问题的
        If you say that something is up the spout, you mean that it is wrong or it is no longer working.
        1. If you only take a sample then all the statistics are up the spout.


      1. The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air
      2. In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.
      3. A volcano spouts flame and lava.
      4. The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher.
      5. He spouts his meaningless management-speak and tries hard to appear as if he is promoting equality and fair treatment for all.
      6. The question is whether one should work for a company that spouts cretinous drivel.
      7. It is interesting to see a narrow opening in the rocks not far from there, where the sea rushes in and spouts the water high into the air.
      8. Sudden local thunder storms and water spouts often spell disaster for pilots and mariners.
      9. The whale only gets harpooned when he spouts.
      10. The water pipe here broke and water gushed everywhere. The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher.
      11. The fountain spouts water into the air.
      12. He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!
      13. A teakettle, a coffee pot, and a syrup jug have spouts.
      14. She never spouts off about her own life before people.
      15. One disadvantage of water spouts is that they can be torn apart by the wind.
      16. Development and Application of Basket Barrel Overshot of Breakage Oil Pipe in Water-Oil Well The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher.
      17. The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher. Blood be pump out of his belly like a fountain
      18. Water streams off roofs and out of rain spouts.
      19. Buy high arch or gooseneck spouts if you have large pots and shallower sinks.
      20. The lodge, which is built to look like a volcano, spouts a refreshing waterfall in place of actual lava.
      21. Impact of blocked spouts on the performance of an attitude control rocket motor
      22. Slag retaining technique for large open hearth with dual tapping spouts
      23. Trials are conducted on the slag retaining technique in the large open hearth with dual tapping spouts at Baotou Iron& Steel Company and marked results have been achieved in the tests.
      24. Building two desulfuration towers without spouts in which the water solution containing Mn2+ or Fe2+ is prepared to absorb the dense SO2 in melting copper and nickel.