The research on the heat treatment processibility of the arc spring-finger material is carried out to look after the optimum norm of the heat treatment processibility and to provide the reference frame of the heat treatment processibility for the industrialization production of the arc spring-finger. 2对弧形挑膜齿进行热处理工艺的研究,以寻求最佳的热处理工艺规范,为弧形挑膜齿产业化生产提供热处理工艺参考依据。
Researching the Application of the Arc Spring-finger in Plastic Film Residue Collector 残膜回收机弧形挑膜齿的应用研究
On the basis of the UG NX and ANSYS software, the research on the static structural strength and technologic structure of the arc spring-finger components and the cylinder camshaft using virtual design method are carried out. 运用虚拟设计方法,以UGNX、ANSYS有限元分析软件为技术平台,对弧形挑膜齿杆组和滚筒凸轮轴进行了结构强度分析及工艺结构的研究。
An Analytical Method of Mechanism Designing of Spring-Finger Cylinder Pickups 弹齿滚筒捡拾器的机构设计的解析方法
Analysis of Movement Parameters of Spring-Finger Cylinder Pickups 弹齿滚筒捡拾器运动参数的解析分析