From that day until this, I have been incapable of spurning any woman on sight. 从这一天起,我就再也不轻易地蔑视一个女人了。
Traditionally, casinos have avoided giving customers clues to how long they've been gambling, spurning clocks and often shutting out sunlight in the early hours of the morning. 为了避免让顾客知道自己在赌场里耗了多久,赌场历来不安置钟表,并杜绝让清晨的阳光射进室内。
Mr Scott has made a habit of spurning federal handouts, especially if they are tied to Mr Obama's health-care reforms. 而斯科特则一直都拒绝联邦政府的拨款,尤其是跟奥巴马医疗改革有关的内容。
Furthermore, they are attempting that feat while spurning many of the most effective policy instruments at their disposal. 此外,他们在努力实现这一壮举的同时,不愿动用手头拥有的许多最有效的政策工具。
Indeed, Mr Buffett has made himself into the world's most talented investor by spurning excitement. 事实上,通过摒除兴奋情绪,巴菲特成为了世界上最精明的投资者。
Spurning her at first, he soon finds her critical analysis of the situation at hand both apt and useful. 起先他对她不屑一顾,但是他不久发现她能恰当有用得处理和分析面临的情况。
Its spurning of them has now acted as a catalyst for a more competitive and geopolitically savvy US multilateralism. 被他们唾弃的中国现在已经担当起了一个更具竞争的精于地缘政治的美国多边主义催化剂角色。
Most of Mr Assad's counterparts in the Gulf, after initially hedging their bets, are now spurning him. 海湾地区地大部分国家也在在双方间进行观望之后开始抛弃他。
It does its job with subtlety, however, spurning the hammer intensity of something like cranberry juice. 然而,它与微妙做它的工作践踏象酸果蔓的果实果汁一样的一些东西的榔头紧张。
And his government plans to introduce Arabic as an optional language in primary schools, still spurning the Kurds'demands for the teaching of their mother tongue. 并且土耳其政府还打算把阿拉伯语引入为小学教育的选修语,但是仍然拒绝库尔德人想使用他们的母语来教学的要求。
Barrington felt like a wild beast himself, as he fiercely fought his way through the crowd, spurning them to right and left with fists and elbows. 巴林顿感到自己象一头猛兽,他用拳头和胳膊左推右撞,在人群中冲开了一条道路。
Marxism philosophy contains animadverting and constructing dimensionality because of its practice by spurning metaphysics. 马克思哲学拒斥形而上学的实践特质内在地含有对现代性的批判向度和建设向度。
Germany tried to help Yuan Shi kai to establish his reactionary political power in whole China for German aggression interests in China, but it didn ′ t avoid its historical fate of failure in the spurning sound of people. 德国出于确保其侵华利益的需要,极力帮助袁世凯建立其对全国的反动统治,却在人民的唾弃声中避免不了失败的历史命运。
This paper discusses the developmental mode of Chinese fishery from four aspects, which include getting rid of short developmental mode, spurning assess values of increasing production indexes, reducing the depending of nature resources, rectifying the warp of industry dissimilation. 本文从摆脱短缺型发展模式的束缚、摒弃增产指标的考核价值、降低自然资源依赖度、纠正产业异化发展偏差这四个方面,对我国渔业发展模式进行了深刻反思。
The high yield culture techniques of cut rose under the climatic condition of Fujian province were introduced from the following aspects: species selection, robust nursery stock cultivation, opening cultivation in summer, spurning, and flowering date regulation. 从品种选择、优质壮苗培育、越夏栽培、修剪和花期调节等方面系统地介绍了在福建气候条件下的月季丰产栽培技术。
Spurning to Three Dogmatisms: Fundamental Advance of Contemporary Philosophy 三大独断论的摒弃:当代哲学根本性的理论进展
Last, the theories 'humanism, and the calling for dialogue and spurning monologue incarnated the request of time. 第四,虽然如此,但三者对话理论所体现的人文精神,三者提倡对话,摒弃独白的呼声,可以说也是时代的要求。
The philosophy in future will be the growing up human metaphysics or cultural philosophy. This is the developing process of the negation of negation including three stages: traditional metaphysics, spurning of metaphysics and human metaphysics. 在重建形而上学的诉求中黑格尔的幽灵再现,未来的哲学将是人类形而上学或曰文化哲学的崛起,从传统形而上学到拒斥形而上学再到人类形而上学,这是一个否定之否定的过程。
It is the basic direction for the teaching reform in our country to adopt dialogue with spurning monologue and inculcation. 告别独白与灌输,走向对话与研究,是我国教学改革的基本方向。