When the washing machine spurts out water at least we can mop it up 洗衣机喷出水时,我们至少能把水抹干。
The deals came in spurts: three in 1977, none in 1978, three more in 1979. 交易时有时无:1977年有3笔,1978年没有,1979年又有3笔。
The amount of information I gather on reader in one-minute spurts, sprinkled throughout my day, still feels incredible. 我花一分钟用Reader收集的信息量就能充实我一天的生活,这一点至今仍然让我觉得不可思议。
The researchers found that periods where infants slept more overall corresponded with growth spurts and also a gain in weight and body fat. Both genders experienced that correlation, though boys had more and shorter sleep episodes than girls. 研究人员发现,总的来说,宝宝睡得更多的时候正是他们身体迅速发育还有体重和脂肪增加的时候,无论男女都是这样,但男宝宝睡眠时间更短、睡眠次数更多。
Countries experience urbanization spurts, such as the United States of America, as well as England in the mid ‑ to ‑ late 19th century and Germany around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. 不少国家均经历了井喷式城镇化,譬如美国、19世纪中后期的英国以及19世纪和20世纪之交的德国。
While we sleep, human growth hormone is released in spurts. 当我们睡觉的时候,人体的生长激素会被加速释放。
It is not clear whether the envelope is ejected in many small spurts or all at once. 包层的抛射究竟是通过多次小喷溅,还是一次全部抛出,这并不清楚。
Bedboard: Uses the high quality cold rolling steel plate ramming formation, the superficial static electricity spurts models, corrosion preventing, easy clean. 床板:采用优质冷轧钢板冲压成型,表面静电喷塑,防腐蚀、易清洁。
After that I only spoke in spurts, because I could only speak simple English at that time. 然后就只能断断续续地讲几句,因为那时我只会讲几句英语。
The rabbit stops, spurts, and finally runs back into the wheat. 那只兔子停下来,又突然跳走,最后跑回小麦地里去了。
Experimental study of TTT treatment of choroidal melanoma The cuttlefish spurts out dark ink when it is in danger. TTT治疗脉络膜黑色素瘤实验研究乌鲗遇到危险的时候会喷出黑色液体。
Babies are often very fussy when they are going through growth spurts. 当宝宝经历快速成长期时也常常哭闹地比较多。
Flames jetted out ( of the nozzles). The fire sent up spurts of flame. 火焰(从喷嘴中)喷出来了.大火喷出一股股火焰。
The Hawaiian islands grew over millions of years as rivers of lava poured from their volcanoes, and the spurts of glowing red lava that Kilauea coughs up remind us that the process continues today. 夏威夷群岛数量的增长是因为其数百万年的熔岩岩浆不算从火山中喷发出来的结果,并且不断喷出的灼热的红色熔岩基劳伊亚在提醒我们,这一过程一直持续到今天。
This signal is three short spurts in quick succession and means that the operator should pass the office name only and wait for another order tone. 此种信号是快速连续的三次简短爆发,其表示的是操作员只可以传送电话局的名称,然后等待其他的命令音。
The first shells landed in the sea, throwing up remote playful spurts of water. 头一批炮弹在海里,不痛不痒地远远掀起了一排水柱。
All day, with little spurts of excitement, the thought of a smashing defeat in Africa had been in and out of his mind. 他这一整天时断时续地想到在非洲可能吃了大败仗,这就感到一阵兴奋。
The fire sent up spurts of flame. 大火喷出一股股火焰。
To spare parents undue alarm over baby fat or the normal weight gain that precedes growth spurts, the new charts use a broad definition of healthy weight. 为了避免家长们因为婴儿肥胖或者身体快速发育之前出现的正常体重增加而产生不必要的惊慌,新图表对于健康体重只给出了模糊的定义。
Crowned by spurts of milky jet. 有奶白色的气流喷射为之加冕。
Her feelings varied from tenderness to sudden spurts of genuine love. 她的感情从温存转化为挚爱的突然迸发。
Triple Order Tone is one of the order tones that has three short spurts of high tone. 三重阶音频信号是有三次简短高音爆发的蜂音信号之一。
The surface uses galvanizes or the static electricity spurts models processing, is advantageous for cleanly, is not easy to pollute; 表面采用镀锌或静电喷塑处理,便于清洁、不易污染;
The whole disorderliness of history, concealed under artificial order for years, suddenly spurts out. 整个混乱无序的历史,在人工的秩序下封闭了多少年,突然爆发出来。
The outer covering does spurts models processing. 外壳作喷塑处理。
The water came out of the tap in spurts. 水急速地从水龙头里喷出来。
Great spurts of gas shoot out of the sun. 太阳气体射出形成大爆发。
He was scalded to death by the spurts of steam. 他被喷出的蒸气给烫死了。
Continuous spurts India, the function is all ready. 连续喷印,功能齐全。
Many of these spurts are due to higher energy and food costs. 这些价格的急剧上涨,有很多起因于能源与食品成本的上升。