Squads of prison officers have been probing the rioters 'defences. 几队狱警一直都在探察暴乱者的防卫情况。
But what's next, now that winter is on its way and mayors in New York and Oakland, two of the movement's epicenters, have sent riot squads to shut down the camps in their cities? 但现如今,冬天即将来临。作为占领运动的两大中心,纽约和奥克兰的市长已经派遣防暴武装关闭了各自城市的露宿营地,接下来会发生什么事情?
A: They both have really great squads. Who do you think will be the winner? A:这两只球队的阵容都很强大,你认为谁会赢?
Factors Influencing the development of Cheering Squads in Guangxi's Colleges and Universities and their Strategies 广西高校啦啦队运动开展的影响因素及发展对策
Shield drones on Fire Warrior squads now complete building while the squad is moving. 火战士的盾蜂现在可以在小队移动中完成建造了。
Rioting students belabored by squads of police officers; 闹事的学生被一队警察痛打一顿;
The Platoon Medic can reinforce squads who lose their medic when in the attack, and sometimes in the defense. 排医疗兵可以增援在进攻中或是在某些防御中失去了医疗兵的小队。
I'm confident because I think we have a very good team and one of the best squads in the tournament. 我很自信,因为我想我们有一支好的球队,是本届世界杯中最好的之一。
Their respective pupils formed cheering squads. 他们各自的学生组成了啦啦队。
British officers and Recon squads have their camouflage detection increased marginally. 英军指挥官和侦查小组反伪装距离略微增加。
Each squad can contain up to ten members with three squads forming a platoon. 每个班能与形成排的三个班包含多达十个成员。
Cheerleading squads perform during the breaks at basketball matches. 篮球比赛场间休息时,啦啦队活跃起来。
Managers in the Barclays Premier League will be free to rotate their squads next season without fear of reprisal. 下赛季,英超的主教练们都可以自由安排他们的球队阵容,而不必担心任何惩罚。
Everywhere: behind them had been left companies, squads and platoons to organize guerrilla warfare. 沿途各处,他们留下了部分连、排、班的战土在当地组织游击战。
He had not had experience with dog squads but did have a British Army background in electronics. 他过去对驯犬并无经验,但却有在英国部队从事电子工作的经验。
Info: Enables Anti Tank Grenades on your Panzer Grenadier, Assault Grenadier, and Tank Buster squads. 装备反坦克手榴弹到你的装甲投掷兵,突击投掷兵和坦克破坏小队。
With Iraqis in the lead, our forces will help secure the city by chasing down terrorists, insurgents, and roaming death squads. 在伊军带领下,我军将追剿恐怖分子、乱分子和四处游荡的敢死队,从而帮助确保这座城市的安全。
A Veteran Sergeant makes squads tougher, harder to suppress, and gain experience more rapidly. 一个中士老兵也能让步兵班更加坚强,更难被压制并且更快获得经验值。
It is time to put aside the stocks and stand down the firing squads. 是时候收起枷锁,让行刑队退下了。
Many Iraqis have been ordered to fight or die by Saddam's death squads. 许多伊拉克人有被命令到萨达姆的暗杀小组的打架或一钢模。
Practice play between a football team's squads. 两支足球队之间的训练性的比赛。
Out of the Barracks: 2 Riflemen Squads and an Engineer, to counter possible Tiberium Spike grabs. 从兵营里:2个机枪兵小队和1个工程师,去抵抗可能的泰矿抢夺。
From Down syndrome to autism, the disabilities that exclude children from most cheerleading squads have brought them together in this one. 被大多数啦啦队排斥,患唐氏综合症和自闭症等病的孩子们集中在这一个啦啦队中。
A former pro baseball team owner should know that squads have won World Series titles playing small ball. 一位前棒球队所有者应该知道,曾经赢得锦标赛的球队通常会打小球。
Some of the 170,000 Expo volunteers have been formed into behavioural adjustment squads. 世博会有17万名志愿者,其中一些志愿者组成了纠正不良行为的小组。
Do you know who the men in these death squads are? 你知道死亡小组里是哪些人吗?
The family lived in fear of the death squads. 这家人生活在对杀人小分队的惊恐中。
Turn these children over to the death squads. 把孩子交给这些死亡小组。
But fire and rescue squads from around central Virginia say now, they're more than prepared to help. 但是来自中央弗吉尼亚州的消防和救援队说,他们早就准备提供帮助。
It has sent execution squads to kill Iraqis who choose freedom over fighting for a brutal regime. 伊拉克政权派出行刑队,杀害那些不愿为一个残酷的政权卖命,毅然投身自由的伊拉克人。