Hooker didn't squander his money on flashy cars or other vices 胡克没有将自己的钱浪费在豪华轿车或其他恶习上。
He had squandered his chances to win. 他白白浪费了获胜的机会。
So the big news from last week is the way Beijing managed to squander its legal and economic high ground. 因此上周的这个大新闻实际显示的是北京是如何‘浪费’了它的法律和经济的制高点。
Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you. 不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永久不会爱你的。
I will spend, squander, dazzle. 我要纵情欢度此生,我要挥霍我的人生。
We must not squander it. 切莫浪费这一机遇。
Brothers, let us squander our morning in futile songs. 弟兄们,让我们把清晨浪费在无用的歌曲上面吧。
Do not squander this time, because you will never have it again. 不要浪费时间,因为青春真的一去就不会再来了。
Do you believe we squander away precious time every day? 你觉得我们每天都在浪费宝贵的时间吗?
Bankrupt, the ex-millionaire had to fight back the desire to squander money. 那个破了产的前百万富翁不得不忍住挥霍的欲望。
Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. 那么请不要再浪费时间了,因为生命是由时间组成的。
To squander all your money. 挥霍掉你所有的钱。
Don't squander your hard-earned money. 不要浪费你辛苦赚来的钱。
Rather than squander your passion, respect it. 与其浪费你的激情,还不如考虑尊重它。
They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on two weeks in the sun. 他们会十分快乐地将一年的积蓄挥霍在阳光下的两个星期上。
Can man squander his inheritance, yet survive? 人们能够挥霍他们的遗产,却生存下来吗?
He squander his time and money in gambling. 他在赌博中浪费了他的时间和金钱。
Don't squander your time in reading those dime novels. 不要把你的时间浪费在读那些胡编乱造的廉价小说上。
You think I would squander her money? 他以为我会挥霍掉她的钱财?
Under this influence you may gain financially, but you are not likely to squander your money. 在这个相位影响下,你可能收入颇丰,但是你不会铺张浪费。
How will history judge us if we squander that investment? 如果我们浪费这些投资,历史将对我们作什么样的评判?
Mr Nasser should not squander it. 纳赛尔不应浪费这种优势。
If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. 如果我们浪费矿物燃料,我们就威胁文明。
This is virtually unique in Asia and we cannot squander it. 这在亚洲几乎是独一无二的,我们不会浪费这个优势。
Why pay him so he can squander the money on her? 为什么给他钱去浪费在她身上?
To squander your free time. 浪费你的空余时间。
I believe it's important to resist the temptation to squander our surplus. 我相信,抗拒浪费财政盈余的诱惑很重要。
We can live with it and have it work for us, or we can squander it and lose it and become angry and frustrated with our loss. 我们可以接受它,并让它为我们工作,或者我们可以浪费,并失去它,成为我们的愤怒和沮丧的损失。
Life is the most precious thing, I can not afford to squander, I will treasure! 生命是最宝贵的东西,我挥霍不起,所以我会倍加珍惜!
But I believe that Spain is likely to squander that advantage. 但我认为,西班牙可能会浪费这一优势。