Coupled Oscillators Array with Concentric Rings Structure and Its Application in Active Antenna Array square-wave oscillator 一种环形结构的耦合振荡器阵列及其在有源天线阵中的应用
Influences of ultrasonic pulse square-wave current parameters on Microstructures and mechanical properties of 2219 aluminum alloy weld joints 超音频脉冲方波电流参数对2219铝合金焊缝组织和力学性能的影响
The two signal sources are jointly controlled to produce a three-item square-wave pulse synchronous frequency conversion and voltage regulation signal source. 两信号源统一控制便产生三项方波脉冲同步变频调压信号源。
The perfectly designed square-wave insures the stableness and concentration of electric arc. 设计理想的方波电源,确保了电弧的稳定和集中。
Investigation on square-wave polarography ⅵ. determination of Cd in high-purity aluminum by anodic-stripping voltammetry at a hanging mercury electrode 方波极谱研究&Ⅵ悬汞电极阳极溶出伏安法测定高纯铝中痕量镉
Study on High Intensity Discharge Lamp Electronic Ballasts with Low-Frequency Square-Wave 低频方波高强度气体放电灯电子镇流器研究
Application of the Single Chip Microcomputer in the Control of the Alternating Current Double Speed Elevator; The Research on Square-wave Alternating Current in TIG Welding with MCU 单片机在交流双速电梯控制中的应用微机控制方波交流TIG焊接电源研究
This study suggests that the permeability of yeast cells can be increased by square-wave electroporation. 这表明电穿孔法可以有效增强酵母菌细胞的通透性。
Resonant Voltage Withstand Test Using Variable-frequency Square-wave Power 采用方波变频电源进行谐振耐压试验的研究
The study of oscilloscope bandwith on square-wave signal 示波器带宽对方波信号测试影响的研究
Analysis on Non-conduction Phase Current of Square-wave Brushless DC Motor 方波无刷直流电动机不导通相电流分析
A square-wave amperometric detection ( SWAD) method for capillary electrophoresis ( CE) using end-column detection was investigated. 报道了一种新型CE-ECD检测技术方波安培检测法(Squarewaveamperometricdetection,SWAD),并结合柱端检测方式应用于毛细管电泳中。
We investigate double Bloch bands driven by a square-wave electric field with a tight-binding model. 研究了方波电场驱动下的双Bloch带的紧束缚模型。
The all digital signal detection was based on square-wave modulation and demodulation. 采用方波调制解调技术实现了对温度传感器光路系统输出的全数字信号检测。
The spectrum form of square-wave controlled laser, optical signal heterodyne detecting device and principle of electrical signal demodulation are considered with emphasis. 文中着重分析了方波控制激光器的频谱形式、光信号外差探测装置和电信号解调原理。
A square-wave AC high-frequency generator designed and researched with power MOSFET and inversed technology is introduced. 本文介绍采用功率场效应管和逆变技术设计研制的方波交流高频发生装置。
The scale factor nonlinearity of a closed-loop R-FOG based on square-wave frequency modulation is analyzed. 对基于方波调制的闭环R-FOG的标度因子非线性进行了分析。
Square-wave pulse superimpose definite DC component, will improve quality and strengthen production. 在方波脉冲的基础上正向叠加一定分量的直流电后,镀层质量进一步改善且强化了生产。
It is analyzed in the paper that square-wave operation combines with subharmonic PWM. 本文分析了这种拓扑采用的方波和消谐波PWM结合的调制方法。
A double frequency square-wave is used as the excitation ( input signal) to a complex impedance system. 以双频方波作为复阻抗系统的激励(输入信号)。
A two-stage low-frequency square-wave electronic ballast with good performance is proposed to operate MH lamps in the paper. 该文提出了一种两级低频方波输出的高性能电子镇流器,作为MH灯工作电源。
The principle of the method and the signal processing are introduced. The relationship of Hall probe output and the square-wave current amplitude is found and the theoretical explanation is also given. 介绍方法的基本原理和信号处理方法,给出了方波电流幅度和霍尔输出的关系曲线,并从理论上进行了解释。
The influence of Kerr effect to close-loop digital resonator fiber optic gyroscope based on square-wave frequency modulation was analyzed in theory. 对采用方波频率调制数字闭环谐振型光纤陀螺中克尔效应的影响进行了深入的理论分析。
Analysis and design of a DC-DC converter using square-wave output resonant inverter 具有方波输出谐振逆变桥的直流&直流变换器的分析和设计
The operating mode of the 3-phase 6-state square-wave motor with wye-connected phase windings and two mosfets is analyzed. 研究和分析了两相导通三相六状态星形方波无刷直流电机的运行模式。
The reason of big inaccuracy of the MTF calculation method using the contrast of periodic square-wave pattern is analysed. 分析了通过测试周期性条靶对比度计算MTF的方法存在较大误差的原因。