The Protection of Women's Land Rights from the Angle of Squeeze-out Gaming 从挤出博弈看女性土地权益的保护
Analysis of Over-utilization of Labor Forces and Its Squeeze-out Effect on Employment 过度劳动及其就业挤出效应分析
On the other hand, Squeeze-out Effect illustrates that expansion of national debt can reduce nongovernmental investment, which isn't supported by our positive analysis. 而挤出效应则说明在一定条件下国债融资的财政扩张对民间投资具有抑制作用,但本文的实证分析没有支持这一观点,这主要是因为挤出效应发生作用的前提条件在我国并不具备。
The thesis interprets this squeeze-out effect from the following three aspects: the enterprises, the industry and the whole country. 本文着重从微观企业、中观行业与宏观国家这三个层面,分析了外资对内资的这种替代挤出机制。