
英 [ˈskwiːzɪz] 美 [ˈskwiːzɪz]

v.  挤压; 捏; (从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出; (使)挤入; 挤过; 塞入
n.  挤压; 捏; 榨出的液体; 小量挤出的汁; 挤; 塞


  1. VERB (通常指用手)挤压,捏
    If you squeeze something, you press it firmly, usually with your hands.
    1. He squeezed her arm reassuringly...
    2. Dip the bread briefly in water, then squeeze it dry.
    3. Squeeze is also a noun.
    4. I liked her way of reassuring you with a squeeze of the hand.
  2. VERB 压榨,挤出(液体或软的东西)
    If you squeeze a liquid or a soft substance out of an object, you get the liquid or substance out by pressing the object.
    1. Joe put the plug in the sink and squeezed some detergent over the dishes.
    2. ...freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. V-ERG (常因害怕或保护眼睛而)紧闭(双眼)
    If you squeeze your eyes shut or if your eyes squeeze shut, you close them tightly, usually because you are frightened or to protect your eyes from something such as strong sunlight.
    1. Nancy squeezed her eyes shut and prayed...
    2. If you keep your eyes squeezed shut, you'll miss the show...
    3. The priest's eyes were squeezed shut against the light.
  4. V-ERG 挤过;挤进;塞进
    If you squeeze a person or thing somewhere or if they squeeze there, they manage to get through or into a small space.
    1. They lowered him gradually into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in...
    2. Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows.
  5. N-SING 拥挤
    If you say that getting a number of people into a small space is a squeeze, you mean that it is only just possible for them all to get into it.
    1. It was a squeeze in the car with five of them...
      车里坐了他们 5 个人,很拥挤。
    2. The lift holds six people at a squeeze.
      电梯里挤一挤能容纳 6 个人。
  6. VERB (通过劝说)榨取,获取
    If you squeeze something out of someone, you persuade them to give it to you, although they may be unwilling to do this.
    1. The investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents...
    2. The company intends to squeeze further savings from its suppliers.
  7. VERB 紧缩,压缩(经济)
    If a government squeezes the economy, they put strict controls on people's ability to borrow money or on their own departments' freedom to spend money, in order to control the country's rate of inflation.
    1. The government will squeeze the economy into a severe recession to force inflation down...
    2. Defense experts say joint projects are increasingly squeezed by budget pressures.
    3. Squeeze is also a noun.
    4. The CBI also says the squeeze is slowing down inflation.
  8. N-COUNT 男(或女)朋友
    Someone's squeeze is their boyfriend or girlfriend.
    1. Jack showed off his latest squeeze at the weekend.


  1. S "squeezes," or reduces, multiple blank lines into a single blank line.
  2. His hands numb after queueing in the bitter cold outside, my father squeezes into a phone booth and dials my number.
  3. This squeezes business income even more.
  4. He squeezes himself into a crowded bus every early morning.
  5. This fruit squeezes easily.
  6. This kind of brake squeezes the rims to slow and stop the bike.
  7. But increasing inventory undermines productivity, and using a range of suppliers squeezes margins by raising input prices.
  8. This squeezes prices and margins, thus denying better-run firms the surplus capital they need to hire talented people, buy competitors or invest in research and development.
  9. As the financial crisis squeezes the real economy, urban white-collar workers speak of shrinking bonuses and frozen wages.
  10. The gullet squeezes solids and liquids towards the stomach by contracting the muscles.
  11. That squeezes issuing banks 'cut but means retail investors, who dominate trading, can usually rely on tight spreads.
  12. In time, after many squeezes, Tom managed to sign his initials, using the ball of his little finger for a pen.
  13. For the next few years our squeezes will be ineluctable.
  14. Bicycle brakes have a caliper, which squeezes the brake pads against the wheel.
  15. Contortionist'Captain Frodo'from Norway squeezes his body through a tennis racket.
  16. The consumer squeezes melons and bread as a measure of texture which indicates the degree of ripeness and freshness.
  17. Is one kind mixes has plates with silver the Sui particle squeezes out continuously the silica gel.
  18. He squeezes on at last and finds no more seats.
  19. Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits.
  20. They will clearly be helped by the drop in gasoline prices, but tax rebates have run their course and the housing and credit squeezes run unabated.
  21. The plexiglass product usually may divide into pours the board, squeezes out the board and the mold plastic.
  22. "The main problem is the secular decline in production and the risk of squeezes associated with low volumes of production," he adds.
  23. Kennedy squeezes past me, darts to the gents and is gone.
  24. Every time the uterus squeezes, the baby is pushed down the vagina a bit more.
  25. They lock in their clients'capital for many years and do not face the collateral calls and liquidity squeezes that make hedge funds so sensitive to calculations of net asset value.
  26. He squeezes everything from his ship and can outplay the enemy in the most hopeless case.
  27. Air and fuel are drawn into the cylinder by the downward movement of the piston, the piston then moves up and squeezes this mixture which is then ignited.
  28. My little brother squeezes my hand tightly when we watch scary movies.
  29. Analysts say part of the problem is the ferocity of competition, which squeezes profits.
  30. Uncle Sam puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple.